Shirley Kelly - "Remembering Kelly" (I have permission from Shirley to post this photo)
Home from Quilt City USA, and back to catching up on home things. I had a good trip, fabulous weather, great food, and it was wonderful to see so many at the National Quilt Museum Monday night for Hollis Chatelain's tour of her Imagine Hope exhibit. Also saw many familiar faces and old friends at Sneak Preview and the opening day of the show.
Shirley Kelly, above, won two first place awards for her fabulous work, hand applique and home machine quilting. Anyone who sees her work will remember it, and this one was especially poignant with the mementos and memories of a great horse's life.
My treat of the show was to finally see Sandra Leichner's quilt, "Tea with Miss D." below, permission to add this photo to my blog granted by Sandra, and these are her photos.
Sandra Leichner ~ "Tea With Miss D."
It was more than I could have imagined, a treasure to see and take in. The handwork and details were amazing, the machine quilting designs and execution the very best. I am afraid my mouth might have been hanging open as I gazed at this delicious concoction, discovering detail after detail, and I know from the many comments of quilters that so many enjoyed it tremendously. To see it and many detail shots, go to Sandra's blog, and be sure and check out the fabulous quilting too. Below, the center tea cup surrounded by little strawberry shortcakes. Oh my.
We had perfect weather early in the week, but rain arrived later, after I had left for home. Crowds were not as big as in the past, parking was at a premium so lots of trekking was needed, and those who went in the new Pavilion for vendor shopping liked it. They reported it was airy, bright, with lots of room and much easier to shop than in the old vendor locations in years past.
Now I am home, I am going to try and trace some of my new digitized designs for home embroidery machines and quilt up a sample, of course, free motion, and gasp, I have to follow lines so the designs will resemble those on the CD. Not easy now that I am so used to quilting with minimal marking. I like the designs but know I will do a bit of fudging as I quilt to make them even better looking. I'll post a photo when the project is finished.
Oliver was ecstatic to see me when I arrived home. The gymnastics, the run, run, run, squeak, squeak, squeak....all off the charts of feline happiness. He is now thinking maybe I am home for good, of course until the bags come out to pack for the next trip. Below, his special place on his "special" chair in the living room window so he can watch the birds in the bushes outside. And chirp. He is a great little chirper, and I swear he grew and gained weight while I was away! His fur is getting thicker and prettier every day too.
Yesterday he discovered rotary cutting. Oh my, time to close the door to the sewing room and work alone or risk paw amputation!
Hope you all enjoyed the AQS Show in Paducah, and.....keep quilting! Your work gets better every day.