Yesterday changed the whole things when I received these lovely gifts from Hubby and a dear friend....
This little beauty 'accidentally' fell on my lap as a gift from Hubby due to my birthday few weeks ago...... (what more can i ask when I have so much love and affections from the man of my life......) for my dear old baby giving me a signal that something was not okay with her..... she has to visit my technician shortly. Then came the urge of having another little baby to fulfill my need of something small and handy and Hubby came to the rescue..... so this belongs to me from beloved Hubby. Thanks Dear!
It did not ends there when Hubby brought in two big envelopes and placed them on my sewing table. Oh gracious God..... from SHIMA..... both!!!! I was so speechless when I opened the contents.... Shima, you managed to enlighten my days and here I mumbled my words of thanks for being so thoughtful and giving 'that' most beautiful fabric, fabrics, ribbons and lovely decoupage tissues........ apart from the first 3 sets of hexy-flowers of our Hexy Game..... Thanks a heap dear....... thanks again and again. While doing this entry I am still holding your hexy-flowers and all the lovely fabrics in my hands......
walla.. bertuah ok..
besday gift.. sgt suka juga..
wahhhh bestnyer dpt besday pesen
(ehem3 kepada en somi jika baca..cik kema nak mesin jahit tepi wakakaka)
k.dee, bertuah sungguh taw sbb ada hubby yg sgt sayang pd k.dee. Semoga k.dee & suami sentiasa bahagia dan dimurahkan rezeki
p/s: to k.shima, besday cik kema bulan 12 yo ahahaha
Mus, kebetulan mesin portable KD rosak... yeah tambah jumlah mesin...!
Aaaminnn.... moga doa Cik Kema makbul.. InsyaAllah. Bersyukur sangat...ucuk-acam KD tu amat memahami hobi macam kita ni....
Cik Kema kena selalu kata... "Lob u 2, 3 ,4 ....." :)
amboi2.... dpt mesin jait baru. sib baik terbakor time besday. pandai pilih time nak mati mesin kakD tu yek. apa pun walau sekecil mana pemberian org tersayang amatlah kembang hidung. tunggu hexy dr naiz ye. kalau lambat. jgn marah nohh! take care kakD.
Naiz, yer lah mesin lama tu dah tak larat KD kerjakan selalu..sian dia. Mesin ni simple dan agak mudah bawak kehulu kehilir. Yang lama nak repair juga..
Lambat pun tak per Naiz. Kali ni Kdee memang tak sempat ngan hexy... banyak lagi beg2 yang kena jahit... tolong Naiz...!
hikhik "i lurve u so much" kena sentiasa dibibir kan k.dee
Pehtu kasi "pelokkan erat tetiap pagi kat suami agar panjang umur.. InsyaAllah" petik kata2 Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah
Pandai Cik Kema ni.... lebih-lebih lagi waktu dia nak pi kerja... nak cari rezki untuk kita dan anak2... cakap yang indah2 mesti dia ingat dan terdengar2 sepanjang masa dlm perjalanan.... :)
alhamdullillah k dee suka, shima pun suka juga...
tp dari hubby is the best.. kan kd...
p/s: cik kema kena buat giveaway dulu... dan pemenangnya ialah k shima,.. ha ha ha... acah je..gurau je ni... ;)
hehehe cik kema ngan en somi setiap saat depan mata wakakaka
satu umah, satu kete, satu opis & satu jiwa kah3
Hmmm org kate kalau ado depan mata je alhamdulillah smpi kang xjemu2 lagi. rindu lagi ado la wakakaka
Oh, so lovely, and so fortunate!
I'm sure you will be making many beautiful things with your new little baby.
Salam.....tahniah dapat mesin baru . Saya nie peminat baru . Baru nak belajar . Harap dapat tunjuk ajar drp kak D............
Ida JB
Anita, really need a small and handy machine to take along....
Yes, hope to have more times on quilting.
Ida JB, terima kasih... datang la selalu, ziarah.
Bolih, KDee bolih tunjuk ajar mana yang termampu, apa2 e-mail Kdee k....
What a lovely day for you. May Allah bless you both good health,wealth and love.
how grateful k.diah!
the machine looks similar to mine except mine is in red. i'm not sure it's the same model or not. and those quilts are indeed very lovely. good luck k.dee :)
Aaminn, thanks Hanim.... InsyaAllah!
Alviana, they are the same... except for some additional features.... So happy to have this lovely baby to port around... :)
Enjoy your sewing dear!!
Hi KD!
I am new to your blog. Got the link from Azie.
I am curious about this Hexy game tu. Boleh cerita sikit ke?
I enjoyed going through your blog and seeing what you made. I love all your bags. Do you make to sell, teach or do you sell the patterns?
I am also into bag making, quilting and a lot of other crafts. Visit my blog to know more about what I love to do.
Nice `meeting' you!
Hello Za, nice meeting you too, and thanks for visiting.
The Hexy game was formed just to motivate us Malaysian Quilter to have a good go on hand stitching and its how about.We rotate every fortnightly. It will end very soon and thus we will post the result herewith. Maybe there will be a second round...interested?
I do teach at home some basic quilts and bag makings. I did some designs to suits my needs but I have not have the time to make tutorials yet...will do one day.
Za, today I read your blog till the end and just like you yourself narrating the life story to me personally.... and lots of lovely crafty works you have done. It is good to have a Quilting-Architect on line....and a successful Career Woman you are. Congrats!
Hope to hear from you constantly again. Have a nice days ahead!
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