Showing posts with label PINCUSHION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PINCUSHION. Show all posts

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Finger Pointer Pincushion

Just horrified with the messiness of my sewing room....... my escaped today was doing the above.
This cute thing developed in less than an hour.
Just visit this page to anyone who has the urge to love and sew one.
Happy stitching!

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Substitute for veiltail

This veiltail goldfish species was in my possession once..... just 2 of them, and proudly placed them at one corner of my sewing area in a big glass bowl. Love them dearly, I saw them grew each day and dancing merrily in the crystal clear water ....... just as they watched me, sewing.....!

Before my Pilgrimage years ago I let my niece had them....and when I came home later...... what left was an empty bowl collecting dust. I did not ask how and why???????

Recently I collected, cleaned and filled the poor bowl again........bit by bit from stash, few pieces at a time and finally it is full now to the brim..........with no fish, but lots of PINCUSHIONS........!

Then an apple green cover was introduced as companion and protection against dust.

And finally I am happy now, with my new found 'gold' stash!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Pincushions Craze hit back....

I was in town today and try to get hold of our Dear Friend, Puan Balkhis for lunch date but to no avail..... kind of miss her lately.

Was wondering around on my own (as always) after delivering few mails at the post office, then proceeded to town to just window shop.....! But I did not just glance trough the windows but awkwardly stumbled into the glass door to shop for fabrics... and brought home few metres of lovely fabrics from KAMDAR (on sales now) and some trimmings and colourful buttons for my latest craze........... hexagon pincushions!!!!

Started this for few days now but short of buttons to complete. More and more triangles are forming from fabric stash as I cut others for on going quilt project .... And now I have plenty of pincushions for my visitors and as door gift from my sewing corner ..... :)

Monday, 11 April 2011

Little Hexy Things

It was so hot and dry outside the house, and made me drowsy almost.

But still could not help from the urge of sewing.

From my remnants of the WI basket project (little achievement during the event/meeting, will post here later after the state meeting soon) these cutie little things were produced......

Oh n0, still have to get my nap...bye for now!

Friday, 4 March 2011

Storage Jar and Pincushion....

Yesterday when I was doing some cutting for the SAL project, I have little stash came handy for the jam jar that I had cleaned and dried. The lid was soft for cutting out with the can opener. Be careful with the rough cut edges, though!!!

The fabric used was about 5" diameter. Just stitch out 3/8th" around the edge, fill up with fibre, covered with the round cut lid in and tied up. I used a matching lace to add some essence to it. Placed it on top of the jar cover and the base was covered with a matching thick gold paper and glued them together.Here it store my buttons/sweets.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Hexy Sewing Caddy #2

This is the lovely sewing caddy whipped up from Nykolett precious fabrics........ All tooty-fruity and I dearly like this too.

By any chance, if anyone has made this, Penny has added a Linky at the bottom of her page for you to add pics of your creations! Happy stitching everyone!


What remnants/stash can transformed into................... lots of goodies!

All these were from the fabrics handed over by Nikolett. With just about less than 2 meters fabrics... minus the backing, all utilized to the brim...... Here goes..........

This is a table runner with matching coasters

A wall-hanging for your kitchen/dining.
A quilted toiletries/makeup bag with matching box pouch.

And the favourite sewing caddy.So, dear Rosni, I am leaving them to you to pick up one for our own.... :)

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Hexy Sewing Caddy

I fell in love with this caddy for quite sometimes, and today I made one for my little sewing corner......and the best thing is, it is HEXAGON......!

Indeed it is very handy and could organized sewing items neatly and save the cluttering around the sewing table. I love to make few more for 'others' soon.

For those who have the feeling of doing hand-stitching than this is for you and please visit here.

My many thanks to Penny for this beautiful creation of her!

Saturday, 7 August 2010 enlighten my gloom

The whole of my sewing corner now looks so wrecked and lifeless and dust at every corner .............. So is my life but still I sit and sew.......... sighhhhh!

So made these to lighten up my corner and give some good companions to my little BEAUTY.... a machine mat with few slots to hold some sewing gadgets, mobile tread catcher and a pin cushion..... Did I break the rule for not placing the thread catcher on the right of the mat? ..... Frankly I am comfortable with it being on my left ...... snipped and drop..... that is it.... and it would not takes a lot of space as it is right on my lap.....

Look at my old thread catcher... just placed it hanging in between the drawers but I had it ever since I can remember.....
I made a simple pin cushion plus a metal piece to give some weight. Here I used my hubby's old hinge which I found kept nicely in his tool box. Shoved it in at the bottom and had it sewn after filling up with poly-insert. Quite heavy and will hold it in place.....

The thread catcher is meant for mobilising as I like to carry it around. So I sort of made it attached to buttons underneath the pin cushion or let it stay free standing by my side waiting to be filled up with threads, small pieces of rabbit's ears, or sometimes my sweet wrappers ........ :D

Sunday, 6 September 2009


All 20 pieces were packed and ready for shipment to Cik Kema, plus the little pincushion for her too.

Made few more pincushions for some other friends and as door gift for visitors at my sewing corner.

Friday, 7 August 2009


Well, these are all my BLUE FLOWERS for FIDA and one of the pincushion will be hers.

Completed yesterday but our Puan Balkhis would like to see them personally and decided to come over then finally she could not make it. So have posted this today for Fida.

Note that I did not sew the fabric through paper template for easier removal of paper later on. I used white thread throughout but it is still not very visible on the right side since I just pinched a small portion of fabric through and pull out slightly taut... not too much or will warp or distort.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009


Just divert to something cute and fast to boost the next quilt project.

Anything hexagon came across I will grab.... and here are few tiny-tots pincushions completed within few hours of leisure time on my sewing table while chatting with FIDA

The tutorials are found here in PDF files.

P/S As requested by those participating in Balkhis's HexyGame, I am personally will include one cutie-hexy-pincushion to all players...... in one conditions..... everyone must say YES! or nak, nak, nak like Shima did!

Thursday, 16 July 2009


Remember the little baby penguin for the pincushion swap....... she is with Carol Hansen ....... having a great time.

Hatched here in Malaysia, flew on her own to Tennessee of USA and now in Britain....... well, how lucky she is!

P/S This has been updated by Carol..... look at her........ guess she is enjoying herself right now....... Wait for the next infor, and Carol is going to register and name her ..... not sure American or British resident!
>> Carol has updated this cutie and named her 'Babette' . Now in London and she will be visiting 'The Buckingham Palace' ....... Happy journey Babette.... take care!
(I want to be a penguin ... who wants to adopt me, so that I can travel toooo..... )

Saturday, 4 July 2009


The Baby Penguin I made for Pincushion Summer Swap to
Carol Hansen of Tennessee has finally knocking at her door.

These are few items that I've included in her parcel all in one goodie bag.... So glad she likes them all.

Thursday, 25 June 2009


My excitement of waiting for the pincushion swap finally came to an end when this arrived yesterday. I was so exited all over, for this was my first swap and received some great gifts from Vanessa Bodrie of Minnesota.I read her blog and I fell in love with the neighbourhood she and family stay. So country........ a serene life. She is good at quilting and my... her kids too do lots of craft projects! Please do visit her blog!

She wrapped some of the gifts with great black and red fabrics, my favourite colours.

When I unwrapped there goes the beautiful, cute pincushion sewn with care, some beads, ribbons, fabrics and a card..... I love all these.

Thank you Vanessa for all the wonderful and thoughtful gifts. Also my thanks to Sandra to make everything possible and happens......

Wednesday, 17 June 2009


Look at that bright and sparkling eyes....... I have been hiding this from children that came to my sewing room. It is a not a toy (could make one in bigger version) though. It is meant for a pincushion. Saw the pic from the net somewhere, drafted and designed to make it able to sit upright .... and here it goes!

Monday, 1 June 2009


Dear friend Haslina gave me this piece of stencilled fabric to make into something. Received few months back and it took me awhile to get it done and finally managed to complete this yesterday.

It is a pincushion having 4 inches square. Just stitched a cotton lace around it and have no intention to add anything else because it is just beautiful being itself. I did not even cut it any smaller to give space for the pin or needles not to land on the beautiful stincilled part. Too lovely to get poke!

Thanks Haslina. I will keep this lovely gift from you.... ever!

Saturday, 30 May 2009


Early morning today, I had set my mind and effort to finish off Nia's quilt top. After full preparation for backing (she changed fabric backing again for the third time) and smoothly laid out on my prep-table, I found out that I did not have enough batting for that queen size.......Oh my, so frustrated! It rained outside, it made me so reluctant to go out to buy one today.

Divert my mind setting on something that I wanted to sew for quite sometimes now. Here it goes......

I have bookmarked this for months now. It is a beautiful creations of DAWN of UK Lass in US and have seen this on others. At first I thought it was tough, but with minor adjustments I managed to endure with which the tutorial says it all. Anyone interested please visit Dawn and could post your creations over her place.

P/S To Jaja of Jajakraf, this is only the tiny bit of the felt from you. See what more I can do..... but I know, you are the queen of felt.... love all your craftworks on felt.

Saturday, 23 May 2009


Yes, the fun begin and worth waiting for!!!!!

Sandra emailed and mentioned who my pincushion-swap recipient is...... well, it is between me and her.

Please visit Sandra ..... Many of us participating and it should be fun when the exchange comes. To be sent before June 21st. Sorry, no pics until after everything is over.

Now have to start digging ideas of the pincushion to stitch/sew, since I know her details and I want her to receive the best pincushion.

The most trill part is, I do not know who will be sending me her lovely pincushion......