Showing posts with label FAMILY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FAMILY. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Jakarta-Bandung family trips

We had been on family trips to Jakarta-Bandung for solid, 6 days.
Just a little gathering and togetherness.... Hubby, me, Darr and Boy

 Look at those boring faces of waiting......


  The best things I found was these precious items below.....
We decided to end the trips having batiks on, to fly home with us....

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Another patch.... placed

Woke up early this morning
with lots of 'bits and pieces' missing
and 'few' people I dearly love were diminishing.

Though not lonely
I have my Dia Hubby.

Still at the corner of my sewing area
is so serene here

And today......
I am celebrating my 54th birthday.

Quietly......... I am wishing

Monday, 18 October 2010

LEAVING MY SEWING CORNER.... for fish and grapes!

We, hubby and me had a great weekend last Friday (here in Kedah our weekend falls on Friday and Saturday) with a younger BIL#6 with wife (my kids call them Pak and MakTam). We proceeded early morning and headed to BIL#1's rubber plantation at Nami (in Kedah) and stayed for few hours at his lovely house built in between the rubber trees.... mmm.......a beautiful 'hut' just for weekend's drop-by and shelter.... Here I had a nice experience at the freshwater fish ponds manage by both BILs. Lots of different species of fish in cages and we add in few buckets of catfish for us, just nice to harvest later somewhere on 17th December for an occasion....

After Friday prayer, we had lunch and proceeded down to SIK, to have a visit at this fish pond belongs to a group of KOPERASI where we have our supply of baby fishes from.... at Tasik Beris

Then we moved on to Tasikberisgrape vineyard........ oh what a breath taking view (after reading MyBotang Crafty Corner's post with my jaw dropped then) ..... and never believed that here we have such a huge yard too...we spent a couple of hours here...... and bought home some grapes, very sweet, juicy and succulent all....!

I was so contented with the whole trip... and went home tired but very happy and can't wait to have Nia came home the next morning.....

Friday, 8 October 2010


(from Allah we came, to Allah we return)

My father, Haji Rothman bin Haji Siraj, passed away on October 2nd, 2010......

Al-fatihah to Arwah.

Saturday, 28 August 2010

...... in debts

My girls really know how to make me guilty....... These are the fabrics they have accumulated since the past three years when I was unable to sew for us.

Can't do much sewing per day since we have the Tadarus each day and night prayer perform as scheduled.....

Some of the completed baju kurung Pahang and Johor for our coming Eid...... The first three on the right are mine and the rest belongs to the girls plus few more stacked up fabrics which I have yet to sew ...... Need some embroidery add on to some of the baju kurung .......if time permit.

Hope can finish up on time and the girls will have them all ready for the 'Aidil Fitri.

Saturday, 7 August 2010


He is 20 now...... just like that...... and I am missing him.

On July 27th he was born, feel like I was just holding him in my arms yesterday, but he is now about to wonder the whole world... That is his wish..... to venture more and looking for something to hold on to, in his field....... he is doing Culinary Arts and on his final soon.

At home, at BK3, he is having fun every weekends with his THIS toy........ We lost count of his falls, stumbling over the hills and plunged himself into ditches and broken his toys many a times.

But the one that almost burst my lungs was to hear that he rode his bike from our walk-up-apartment, 4th floor CYCLED down to the ground TRAILING THE STAIRCASE ........! How do you feel hearing all those, while the distance BETWEEN us counts 6 hrs to reach him ?

But he is my BOY...... and I love you dearly, son.

Friday, 23 July 2010

NIA's mishap and sewing

We, Nia and me, were at PPUM PJ from June 29th to July 7th 2010. From a minor leg injury became worst with infections, and she had to pay it by staying in the hospital ward for 8 days and me to stay up too, day and night to accompany her......! She is doing fine now .... and started her usual routine and was working yesterday after more than a month on medical leaves. Syukur....... Alhamdulillah. What should I do then............ To fill up my time there, I was doing these.......

A ribbon embroidery for the WI state meets. A hand-quilted draw string bag.

Secondly was some stitchery.Hand embroidered on a ready made head cover also for the same meets. If anyone realized and had been to PPUM, the nurses attire/uniforms are of the same colour as my project here, which was a coincident. Some of them stopped to asked if I was making for one of them.... :-)

It was such a life experience staying in the hospital ward for so much had I seen and heard which made me appreciate more of my remaining days....... and about how important is our HEALTH ........... not untill we lost them .......

Wednesday, 21 April 2010


On the April 17th marked our 27th wedding anniversary......... we were happy to be with our three children at BK3. Nothing fancy, just a small gathering and a small feast for lunch cooked by our son (the-chef-to-be by whom major in western food and pastry). The best dish was this.....

Fished out fresh from the sea by hubby during his last trip to Pulau Payar, Kedah.

And Hubby gave me this to spoil me more..... Thanks DIA .... love you true and thro'.......

But the best gift was to be with ALL the family members..... Abah and Mama love you ....... Nia, Darr, Boy.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Up and Away

Hello dearest bloggers.............. my silence was beyond expectations....... getting out of control and dragging up too long. I was a bit upset and sorry for myself and to everyone here too......

But I am very satisfied with the results. The PC sets were upgraded and have a new printer and finally my small office and sewing corner will function smoothly now.

During the interrupted schedule so much activities took place and I grabbed the opportunity to have some nice holidays with my kids..... leaving hubby alone at home (sure he was glad too that I was away for awhile 'cos he stayed few nights at the family orchard with his siblings.......) Not to mention the 'wrecked-ship' when I came home...... now still collecting the laundry and putting things to places from front to the back door of our little house......... :p

Well, back to LIFE....... and have to move fast NOW......

Introducing my shaggy busyuk - Cocoa (Think I look like her when I am down :D .....)

Tuesday, 5 January 2010


So much so for the holidays spent with our children at BK3 and we definitely had a superb time together. Apart from attending weddings, visiting relatives and close friends we as usual had a good gathering whenever we could because unfortunately their working life forbid so... but we still had a great time over every dinner!

Hubby and our son had their man's job.... they painted the whole internal wall, which took about 3 days to complete. Installing framed photos and drilling and plugging for shelves, fixing dripping taps, replacing broken tiles, cleaning, scrapping the stained wall and floors and mopping ..... urgh.... all their jobs.... but I had this certain happiness inside me seeing the strong bonding between father and son.... How I love these two men in my life!

Nothing compares to us, girls, close relationships.... my daughters are my friends and I can confide in them. Between the three of us, no doubt, no secrets and no restrictions...... We spent one day roaming around the Klang Valley till my knees were wilted and had to beg for an adjourn with some soft chilled drinks to quench my thirst and surrender with pathetic exhaustion.... ohhhhh........BUT I bought some fabrics after visiting Nagoya, Harrison's and Kamdar along Jalan TAR. Then to Macy for some unnecessary items.. but still insist on buying.... typical of all girl... :) Then to Kelvin's place, and picking some other unnecessary items again. But there I had a nice chat with Kelvin himself.... about the retreat and him moving to Kayu Ara soon. Then to IKEA to get some bedding sheets and duvet for our son, Sulhi aka Boy. Here too I did not forget what I had promised Balkhis.... (If you want them, Khis, hop over to my place!)

All in all this holidays were very much meaningful and the happiest ever and the longest hubby had for his year end's break! Thank you all, Nia, Darr and Boy for making, Abah and Mama, happy and feel contented with life and for having all of you around us both.........

Wednesday, 10 June 2009


Last Friday we were off to Bukit Merah Lake Town Resort.

All eight families (30 people) gathered up for three days and we had great times! My three kids came up too.

Hubby and me, always get surrounded by kids.

Further left, Atin had her day dreaming 'cos she loves the water but did not know where to start.... while waiting to get admission. One of her cat's-shy acts....

My son, BOY, getting even darker under the sun!!

Could not get my two girls, they had disappeared earlier.

This was one of the best place where I immersed myself for almost four hours...... water... water... water... had really good splashes!!!!!
I really got tanned. I have always love to swim... and had not much time doing so lately.

Get hold few of my little nephews and nieces to do a proper breathing and swimming , and some can't even float........ :p

Managed to catch hold of Hubby's disappearing acts. On his way to stroll around the village behind the resort.

He gets an additional pics of his 'outing' collections. Right now he is working hard to find out what is this furry fruits called............non-edible definitely!

Everybody was having fun and at the end of the day we went our separate ways..... Most of them went back to Kuala Lumpur including my kids.....

Thursday, 7 May 2009


It was not planned that we (hubby and I) traveled our way to KL again last weekend. We took a bus since hubby had never tried on one before and after my first (with Najwa) and literally narrated the luxurious coach and we could have a pleasant journey, he agreed. We went there to visit bro-in-law at Institute Jantung Negara for his by-pass surgery done last Monday. He is doing fine now and progressing fast for he is an active chap. Thank God!

Well as usual, the first thing that I grabbed was my take-along-set of my hexy project. For six hours journey we managed to acquire a lot. WE????? Hubby did some sewing too..... of course he can sew.... (can't prove to you cos promised would not show the pics of him sewing). We had great times together and we could talk a lot and mesmerising our happy moments this past years >>>>>>

Deep in side, I missed my shopping or rather hopping around KL........ as we spend most of our times at IJN.

But lucky me cos my girls did it for me..................... so, so happy....

See what they had bought for me. Till now I do not understand why they bought these items for.......

This mushroom thing is for darning.... it helps me a lot to avoid pricking my fingers during that process.

The sewing book is okay.

But the beading book ???????????

The tools set ??????????

............ help!!!!!!!!!!!