Showing posts with label PRESENTS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PRESENTS. Show all posts

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy mothers day

I had a fab mothers day.

I recieved flowers and homemade cards and I spent the morning
mooching around the markets.

We went out to dinner at our local restaurant and even the kids behaved.

I had a pumpkin and feta filo pastry followed by strudel and icecream,
washed down with a bottle of Asti.

I wish it was mothers day more often.
Happy mothers day :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cluckingham Palace

I am so excited. We have livestock on our farmlet.
Yes! I am classing hens as livestock. My wonderful friend Dee of sew-funky gave us her beloved, egg laying chickens when she moved house.
We built the girls a predator proof coop and named it 'Cluckingham Palace'.
Then we thought the hens needed royal names so they are Fergie, Eugenie and Beatrice.Ahhhh. The good life.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Easy Peazy baby gift

Baby nappy bouquet
Supplies needed:
5 new born nappies

1 pair booties or baby socks

1 flannel

tissue paper


curling ribbon or rubber bands (for securing)

Roll up each nappy up tightly and secure with rubber band or curling ribbon 3/4 way down nappy (if you have any extra pair of hands you may not need to secure each nappy).

When all 5 nappies are done hold them tightly in a group and secure with curling ribbon.

1st lay down your cellophane, then your tissue paper then your flannel. Sit your nappies on this and gather the layers around to form the bouquet.
Secure with a pretty ribbon.

Now roll up the booties/socks and push them into the middle of the nappies.

And, HEY PRESTO, you have a really cool and economical gift.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy birthday Mr. Divine

Today is Mr. Divines second 21st. He says the second 21 years went much quicker than the first.

Again, we don't do gifts for each other but go out for a date instead. So movie and dinner it was. My shout :)
The kids all chipped in and brought him a gorgeous green stone necklace (not the one in the picture) and some chocolate covered apricots.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Funky felt holder

Again, I am trying to make as many presents as I can. So I have made about 3 of these felt holders so far.
This one is for Miss Boodles friends 6th birthday.
Inside are some felts, Highschool Musical stickers and a Highschool Musical notebook.
So all up it cost around $5.00.
If you want to make it go to One Red Robins blog for the tutorial.

Friday, February 13, 2009

For your Valentine

My husband (Mr. Divine) and I have a 'NO BUY' policy (apart from a card).
So here's a couple of idea's of other things to give. (Avert your eyes Mr. Divine)
This year I'm making a yummy and easy 'Mars (Moro) Bar Cheesecake'
7oz Digestive biscuits
5oz butter
9oz cream cheese
4 Mars (moro) bars
Chop and melt 3 bars, then beat in cream cheese.
Melt butter and mix in crushed biscuits.
Line a tin with the biscuit mix and pour over mars (moro) mix.
Thinly slice leftover bar and decorate.
Last year I got an idea off the Simple Savings Website and gave Mr. Divine a small empty gift box with a tag that read
"Valentines day pajama's. Just your size. Can't wait to see you in them"
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
Mr. Divine really liked that gift. I hope he likes this one too.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My new skirt

My wonderful friend Dee of sew-funky made me this awesome skirt. If you want to check out a much better photo of it go to here.
I just love it. Would you believe it started it's life as a table cloth?
Thanks Dee :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Miss Boodles 6th birthday

Today my sweet girl turned 6.

I made her cupcakes as requested.

She played with her play dough ice cream sundae maker

and tied her first bow by herself.

She wore around her new bag made by Dee for her birthday.

Happy birthday my sweet girl.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Cool crayon wrap

My friend Dee from sew-funky came over today with a little gift for Miss Lulu.
Do you know what it is?????
A really cool crayon wrap (sorry about the photo)

Dee even made her own crayons. I am so going to borrow this idea as I have a couple of 2nd birthdays coming up.

Thanks Dee ;)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Mini albums

Another gift finished. For a few family members who wouldn't appreciate a photo key ring I have made these mini albums.

Very simle but effective.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Felt Pen Holders-blog roundabout

Last year my two girls were giving felt holders made by Dee of Sew-funky who saw the tutorial here on One Red Robin.
They have been taken on car trips, to church and anywhere else a little colouring is required.

So this year I am making some for my nephews for Christmas. I hope they get as much use out of them as my kids do.

Funky Orange Aprons

For the tweens in our family I have made these aprons and I am including a boxed cookie mix for Christmas.

What kid doesn't like fresh, hot cookies straight out of the oven :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas stockings

I have made some Christmas Stockings for our 2 new children. I am really pleased with how they turned out. Our other 2 children have stockings that I brought at a craft market and they look similar. Not long now before Santa slips in the cat door (we don't have a chimney) and fills the stockings with yummy goodies.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Piggy Love

Those who know me well, know I am a Porcine fancier.
So, it came as a lovely surprise today, that two of my friends gave me piggy stuff.
My friend Dee gave me these gorgeous materials inside a homemade piggy bag :)

This one above is my favourite and it says Exercising is good. Accessorising is better.

Dee made this gorgeous bag below out of a top. How clever.

Then my friend Vicki gave me this adorable hand painted pig that has a new home on my bookcase. Please excuse the mess on the table ;)

Dogs look up to you. Cats look down on you but pigs treat you as equals.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Photo Christmas Presents

This is my latest idea for christmas presents for the family (so family, avert your eyes now).

I printed out passport size photos of the children and grandchildren etc. and laminated them.

I then joined them together with these keyrings (10 for $2.00).

I really wanted to make some mini albums that I saw on sew-funky's blog back in January, but sadly, I realised, I am not going to have enough time :(

So, this is my compromise.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Knitted Christmas Presents

These are the gifts that I am making my children's teachers.

I made a cotton dish cloth using a pattern from sew-funky's blog. Then added a non-scratch scubbie using knitting cotton and cut up manderine/orange bags. Then I thought all teachers need something sweet so I added a candy cane (it was the right colour).
Two down, one to go :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cake in a cup

I have started thinking and making pressies for Christmas. I saw this recipe for a cake in a cup on sew-funky's blog and I have to admit have made it a few times myself ;)
It is so DIVINE and I thought it would make a great gift.

-I purchased some white cups, new off trade me (such a good deal).
-Added the dry ingredients to a cellophane bag (FYI - you can seal cellophane bags by folding over the top and ironing it on a low setting).
-I then typed out what wet ingredients to add and how to make.
-Then as you see, popped them into another cellophane bag and tied with a red ribbon.

These would make great presents for teachers and anyone else who deserves a thank you.
Who wouldn't want a cake in a cup :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Finally - some crafts

How do people with lots of kids ever manage to craft?
I only have 4 ankle biters and I'm forever trying to play catch up. Washing, cleaning, feeding, changing etc etc.
Well....I have found time to craft but the housework has suffered. Oh well ;)

I am trying to get a handle on Christmas and have started making presents.
For the younger members of the family I am making activity bags. The idea is that everything you need for the activity is held in one zip lock bag.

I got the idea from Chasing Cheerios and ran with it.

I know, horrid photo. Starting at the left side is a threading game for 3yrs and older, then an open, shut them bag, a felt bag, an under 3's threading bag, threading straws onto pipe cleaners and a fishing game. I have made heaps more of different ones and will load them all when I have finished.
So, as I said I was on a roll and found this website that sells books about activities in a bag. The great thing is that if you go to downloads you can find out what is in each bag and what skill it helps develop. So I am going to include this helpful information with my gifts.
Happy Christmas Present Hunting :)