Hello, everyone! Well, I got several questions on the pillow boxes I made for my sisters (picture above). I thought I make a mini tutorial but it ended to be lengthy.
1. These pictures below shows where I punch the hearts on side with the flap where you put the sticky strip. I use the light blue cardstock for this one.

I draw lines so you can see where the fold lines are and where the flap for the sticky strip is. I line the punch between the 2 sides of the fold lines, push the punch up as far as I can and punch.

This is how it looks like after it is punched.

Fold the flap for the sticky strip.

Stick the box together and this is how it look like.

Fold the bigger flap down first and then the small one next. The above picture shows how it look like. It doesn't look as nice but it does the job. Your flap will stay put for a long time.
I punch the hearts this way so when you fold the flaps and when you look at the box from the front the flaps are facing the back.
2. These pictures below shows where I punch the hearts on the side without the flap for the sticky strip.

To get the hearts in the middle of the box line the heart punch between the 2 fold lines of the side flaps, line the bottom of the heart about 3/8" up from the edge and punch. This way the flap for the sticky strip will not show.

Fold the flap for the sticky strip and stick box together.

This is how it looks like when the box is stick together.

Fold the smaller flaps first then the bigger flaps. To do it this way it looks better which it is meant to be this way but the bigger flaps doesn't stay put. You can use ribbon to keep it close, too.
Hope this help answer some questions. If you have any questions about the tutorial just leave a comment here and I'll try to answer them.
Phew! That was a lot of pictures just to explain something so simple. I gotta learn how to video my tutorial. I think that will be a lot faster.
Thank you for stopping by and have a great day!
Happy Stamping!