Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Going to the park 02-22-25
Parque Del Arroyo Verde is the park I look into from the back of our house. It is long and narrow with one way in and out at the narrow end. It is about two house lots wide and fifteen house lots long - about 130 acres I read somewhere. In the 38 years we have lived here it has undergone two major renovations, the latest just last year. It is now more suited to middle school kids and dog walkers. No swings, jungle bars, slides, but several climbing structures (one that somewhat resembles an elephant) and even a zip line. There is a large covered picnic area with two Bar-B-Q grills and nearby a restroom building for women and men - very clean. KoKo and I walk there several times a week. It is a little less than a mile from our house to the back of the park where we can took up at the back of our house. I like the smooth, unbroken paving that I won't trip on and KoKo enjoys the bushes, trees, and open lawn areas. We now run into some of the same people and he likes to see the little children who carefully pet him. He protects me from the big dogs, but accepts advances from small, friendly pups.
Looking the length of the park with the wide paved path.The tallest trees are in the patio homes community.
Monday, January 1, 2024
First Day of 2024 01-01-24
It has been a rather strange day-verrrry quiet! When we walked this morning we saw nobody and no cars drove through our neighborhood. Even this evening about 4:30p when we did our evening walk we only saw three other people. Fortunately one was willing to give KoKo some loving. He expects it, you know! Not many planes, which is eerie because we live under the flight paths of John Wayne/Orange County airport and the small Fullerton General Aviation Airport. And we didn't have many fireworks last evening either. An unusually quiet New Years. Somehow people did take down their Xmas decorations but a few are still up. Like this one.
Thursday, September 7, 2023
More construction in the park 09-07-23
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Construction in the park 09-06-23
Toward the end of July the city started the revamping of Parque de Arroyo Verde which we see from our backyard. I searched through my pictures to find views over the years. There aren't as many as I expected.
Saturday, June 24, 2023
A war in the park!! 06-24-23
When KoKo went out for his afternoon piddle I saw all these barrel shaped things in the park. They moved a little so I think they must be filled with air. Then along came a hoard of boys (maybe aged 9 to 12) running from the other end of the park carrying pretend long guns. They divided up and took up positions behind the "barrels". Then their adult "director" blew his whistle and the boys moved toward each other, shielding behind the "barrels" and firing away. They must be using those foam rubber bullets that I see laying around in yards and on the sidewalk, especially after a holiday, as they went around picking them up after the battle was over. I don't know how they keep score, I didn't see anyone fall and play dead. They attacked each other three times before the "director" called them off to drink some water and they trooped back the way they came.
Saturday, February 5, 2022
A visit to a park 02-05-22
It was a perfectly gorgeous day - blue sky, no wind, 76F. Too nice to stay inside. Recently a neighbor was telling me about flying his model airplanes at Irvine Regional Park on La Palma Ave. The park is long and narrow and is bounded on the south side by a biking trail, the Santa Ana River, and the 91 Fwy. To the north is all residential in Anaheim. The park was established in 1897, but It has been greatly modernized since then! However, the large sycamore trees could easily be more than a 100 years old, as could some of the other trees. Today we took our first visit and plan to visit again.
Saturday, April 17, 2021
Mystery in the park 04-17-21
Thursday, July 23, 2009
A walk in a different park 07-21/22-09
Corky was here Saturday/Sunday this past weekend. On Sunday we walked in the morning because it was very hot. Actually, it was almost too hot even in the morning. But we trotted down to the corner, turned left, walked another 200 feet or so and turned into the park. This is Parque Arroyo Verde, the one that is long and skinny and extends all the way to the back of our house. It is used in the mornings by people with children who have lots of energy and by people with dogs in the early evening. There are also the sunbathers and the teenagers who come to neck in the dark. (is it still called 'necking'?). Just as Corky and I were walking to the exit this family came in - papa, mama, two little boys and two white dogs. The dogs were interested in Corky, but they were a little too rambunctious for a nose to nose (or elsewhere) meeting. In the picture the smaller boy is just above the white dog under the jungle gym (or whatever it is called these days). I seem to be very aware of what things were called and what they are called now. How about pedal pushers? Cutoffs, maybe? Christine Thresh is designing a block-a-day - all of them four inch paper pieced blocks and she provides the pattern to download. Among the cute everyday things she has come up with is one depicting pedal pushers - just like in the good old days. Check out her blog at
I was trying to line up these two pictures to make a whole tree, but couldn't make it work. I'll try again some other time. Many different kinds of trees in the park, some half dead for lack of water. I had a notice that starting the first of August the water company that services this area will start stage 2 of water rationing. There is a long list of do's and don't's; in addition there will be a 6% cut in the water we can use without going into a new (higher) pricing tier. Since I am very frugal with the water I use the 6% cut will be difficult. Unfortunately, there is a law here against using grey water, although I know that some of my neighbors do. It wouldn't do for me to save rinse water from laundry to use on outside plants, because I have a water softener and the salt content would kill the plants.
Quilt Festival -Long Beach will start with the preview this Thursday evening. I will be staying with Corky at his house in LBeach until Sunday. So, perhaps I will be able to post some images from the Festival. On Saturday morning from 9:30 to 11:30 I will be at the SAQA table answering questions and passing out SAQA information. Stop and say hello - I'll be the lady in the hat!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tri-Cities Park 12-29-08
On Saturday we discovered the 'back way' into Tri-Cities Park where we like to walk. I was trying to find good locations to take pictures of the mountains with their snow coats and drove down a street I have never been on before. And there at the dead end is a entrance to the park. So, we parked and started out for our walk. We can always see the mountains in the distance, but they are much easier to see when they are white against the blue sky.
Lots of ducks, geese, seagulls - all the usual suspects. I tried for a picture of the cormorants roosting in the top of a eucalyptus tree, but they were too far up for my camera. However the resident egret was there - he always seems to be looking at his reflection!
Monday, December 8, 2008
The first of the year 12-08-08
When Corky and I walked in the big park (Tri-Cities) there were two white pelicans who have come back to spend the winter with us. I have seen them here in previous years, but there is always a larger flock at Anaheim Lakes which is a much larger body of water - about 2-1/2 miles SE. By-the-way, the gold squiggles are reflections from the setting sun - the white at the top of the image are geese and ducks.
The first Oxalis blossom of the season, soon my back slope will be awash with this limey yellow. I am posting three photos of the same plant. The reason there are three is none of them is completely in focus, but the background is. How does one take a picture with the foreground in focus?
I held the blossom thinking maybe a midpoint to focus on would help.