A small group of arty ladies meets every month or so to share ideas, show and tell, learn new techniques, and enjoy lunch together. Last week we played with cutting paper without any pre-planning. Just select a palette of colored papers and start cutting. We all came up with something completely different - uniquely our own. The organizer for this project supplied us each with Titanium scissors that came six to a box from Amazon and claim to never need sharpening. They cut paper very well and I think I will keep them for that. She also provided many packages of origami papers in solids and black/white geometric prints. So, we cut out our shapes and with a glue stick affixed them to a background. Mine is the most traditional, which is as to be expected. They did not give me permission to share their work, so I am showing only my two pieces done at the meeting.
Lesson everyone needs to learn, don't take pictures pointing the camera at a window.
The flowers on the left are made of wood, the orchid is real.
One member decided she needed to take a picture of my arthritic hands and the papers. The face on the right is on the front of another member's blouse.
The piece on the bottom is my main project. The top one is an experiment using the cutting scraps - a la Sue Benner. Oddly, both are pasted onto the same piece of black card stock and photographed on a dark grey sofa. Why one looks lighter and the sofa looks black is beyond me.
It seems like any small group would enjoy doing this design experiment. One could translate the design into fabric.
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