I suppose there are rundown places in Oceanside, for years it had a bad reputation as a rip-roaring Marine town- being the closest town to Pendleton Marine Base. I don't think that is true anymore. The Civic Center, across the street from the Oceanside Museum of Art, is white and blue and terra cotta. There is a great sweep of open space between the buildings where a large pool with little overflow areas and usually lots of gulls.
This California gull thought I might have something to feed him, but I didn't and he flew off after I took his picture.
The water flows over the edges of various pools and the gulls seem to enjoy standing with their feet in the running water. This is only about two blocks from the beach so it is an easy "fresh water spa" for the gulls.
This view is from the parking areas to the north of the civic center. I always enjoy the view through the arches, especially when I can stand and listen to the wind in the palms.
I posted a picture on 02-04-08 of the newly finished addition to the Oceanside Museum of Art (where Visions is hung).