Showing posts with label Virus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virus. Show all posts

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Miscellaneous including KoKo 03-04-21

I think he is telling me not to read, but to give him a brushing or a massage!  He is feeling pretty good and saw the vet today.  She says he must stay on the canned gastrointestinal diet for at least another week, maybe two.  She gave him some hydration because he just isn't interested in drinking water.  I dribble it from my fingers and he licks it off, occasionally dipping his tongue into the bowl for a lick or two.  We don't know why he doesn't drink.  He seems to enjoy his walks and does a poop once a day now.  And he brings Froggy for me to play "toss Froggy" with him. Too bad they can't talk and tell us how they feel, isn't it?  

I guess I miss out on new items because I don't go shopping or see them advertised on TV.  Found this package in the gutter.  Single "serving" hand sanitizer.  What a great idea.  I'll look for some to carry in my purse instead of a bottle of the stuff.  

A year ago this date I took these pictures of African daisies in my neighbor's yard.  So symmetrical and detailed.  Looks a lot like the coronavirus that was just invading our lives.
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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Turning Blue! 01-20-21

 Time for a big blue change.  Maybe Biden/Harris can really "drain the swamp".  

Meanwhile at our house we have banging, creaking, tapping, murmuring, and lots of things blowing around outside.  Huge winds kept us from walking this evening.  Other people were in bad shape with power outages and falling trees.  Fortunately palm trees are very flexible and just bend with the wind.  I was on my way home from having my first Covid vaccine and stopped at a major intersection, just watching the palms toss their heads and feeling the car rock in the wind gusts.  

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Monday, January 18, 2021

Things discovered 01-18-21

I want to make a special card for someone so I dug out my box of miscellaneous fiber postcard materials.  And I found several uncompleted cards from unknown dates. I rather like this one and vaguely remember making it.  The pieces are just fused down, yet to be stitched, and I had done some embroidery details.  I think she needs a leg resting on the branch. The background fabric is from a class on using a gel plate.  It wasn't a technique that thrilled me and I have never used the gel plate again.  Wonder where it is?  The piece is about 6" square, so it could be a mug rug rather than a postcard.   I think I'll finish this and send it on its way soon.  

But not tomorrow as I have PTherapy in the morning and then... Hurrah! ... my first vaccine in the afternoon at the Kaiser Hospital nearby.  The weather forecasters are predicting very high winds so the vaccine site at Disneyland is closed.  Those with reservations there must be really disappointed.  Going through the process of making an appointment is so odious that the thought of doing it again would be overwhelming.  Has there ever been anything as mishandled as this vaccination process?  In this electronic world it seems it could have been a lot easier.
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Saturday, January 9, 2021

Food again! 01-09-21

I was talking to a friend about how much we miss going out for lunch and I mentioned some of my favorite places, generally in Orange County.  There are a number of locations for The Hat, but the one I go to occasionally is in Lake Forest, which is right off the I-5.  They are famous for their pastrami, I think it is the best I have ever had and our conversation gave me a craving for some pastrami.  That said, I don't think it was as good this time.  Yesterday when I was out for PTherapy, I drove up to Brea and waited in line (it was lunch time) for half an hour to buy a pastrami sandwich.  There is always so much meat in the sandwich that I bring it home, open it up to remove the meat, put about a third of the meat back in the roll and heat it slightly in the microwave.  I like to add just a bit of mayo, but no mustard.  Delicious.  The remainder of the meat I refrigerate and prepare it in different ways for two more meals.  Tonight with broccoli and rice.  Tomorrow night probably with the rest of an avocado that languishes in the frig.  Or maybe I will scramble some pastrami in with a couple eggs. 

Like almost everyone I talk to I am bored with my own food and want to go out and be waited on!  However, the "body count" in SCalifornia is off the charts and I want to avoid the virus.  I now know several people who have Covid and are suffering, but not hospitalized.  The prediction is that the infection rate is only going to increase.  Restaurants are not supposed to be seating people - take out only - but the outdoor seating areas in many restaurants are occupied, which is one reason the infection rate continues to climb.  I imagine I will be home alone for quite a while yet until I am eligible for the vaccine.   Hope you are all staying safe and keeping well.  

I didn't remember that there are eleven locations.  I have only been to two. 

Well wrapped in paper the server cuts it in two and wraps it even more. There are pickles. 

Not too fatty or too salty. 

At least two more meals.

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Monday, January 4, 2021

Another day in isolation! 01-03-21

The longer I am in isolation the less I seem to be able to accomplish.  Today we did our two walks around the loop, ate, read, napped, played toss Froggy, did a few little household jobs, dismantled the Christmas wreath, trolled Facebook, read and answered a few e-mails.  Didn't talk to anyone and only saw three people on both of our walks.  Is that a dull day, or what?  I must do better.  Make a list and stick to it.  

I had an e-mail from Suzanne at Empty Spools Seminars.  Looks like I might miss another year - after going every year since 1991.  They have had to cancel the first two sessions, so no class with Sue Benner.  I'll check to see where else she might be teaching later in 2021.  But I moved my reservation to Session V in April for the Independent Study.  I have taken that before, just taking a project from home and working on it all week.  As I recall I didn't finish it there, but that is my SOP anyway. Unless the vaccination program gets going there may not be any Empty Spools Sessions at all this year.  Here is a picture of one of the housing buildings at Asilomar taken maybe 15 years ago.  The blue flowers are ceonothus bushes, native to California, but I doubt these were natives.  Lots of deer all over the campus and the surrounding town of Pacific Grove.  

Asilomar is part of the California State Parks system, so when everything is locked down the entire campus is closed.  When I was up there last April to pick up quilts at Back Porch I thought I would just drive through, but the gates were chained closed.  Hope I do get to visit again one day, it is one of my most favorite places, I suppose because it hold so many happy and satisfying memories. 

Those of you who have been to Back Porch Fabrics may remember Dorothy, mother of Gail Abeloe who owns the shop.  Dorothy died recently at an advanced age.  I don't think she had Covid-19.  She was such a gracious, lovely lady, as is her daughter Gail.  
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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

More on shopping 07-21-20

Thanks for the comments on shopping online, specifically Amazon.   With the extended limitations of the pandemic I find I need to buy things online rather than go to a shop.  I do go to the grocery store every few weeks, masked and with a detailed list so I just make a path to find the things on my list.  I don't spend very many minutes inside.  And I go to the farmer's market almost every Tuesday for veggies, fruits, eggs, and bread.  Almost everyone wears a face covering, but today there was a group of four, all without masks, standing mid aisle chattering away. But I am a bit of a coward when it comes to confronting people, so I just walked a wide swing around them. And made sure that my mask was fitting tightly.  Today I hit TJoe's because I knew I would find what I needed there and I was in and out in about ten minutes.  No more standing in line, not that I ever did.  I go to CVS for prescriptions because I am unwilling to be in their "club" to have prescriptions delivered.   I don't think I go out much at all, but am surprised that I know people who have not been out of their house/property since all this virus business started.  I am an introvert, but not that much of an INTROVERT.   And I find I need to converse with a human being more than I thought I did.   I do several ZOOM meetings which help, but are not very satisfying.  I can at least see people's faces and the emotions they express.  I do long to be out on the road seeing many different places and people.   The call of the open road!    I thought about buying a small motor home or trailer to avoid staying at motels, but thousands of other disgruntled travelers have the same idea and I understand the RV market is overrun and prices have increased.  Maybe a rental?  Even with extensive sanitizing I find that a bit intimidating.  So, I guess I will continue to stay home and try to avoid the virus, but as you all know, it is REALLY hard.  At least I have KoKo for company, but he isn't much of a conversationalist.  

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Thursday, July 2, 2020

Things are pretty dull these days! 07-02-20

I keep hearing the phrase, "We are all in the same boat."  But some of us are in their own boat by themselves!   With only KoKo, the world's cutest Yorkie, for company I seem to spin my wheels more than I usually do.  I just don't seem to have any drive, any interest in creating, or any incentive to finish what I start.   I know I am not the only one who feels this way and I have no suggestions on what to do about it.  So, I plug away - reading, walking, eating, browsing Facebook, and doing a bit of sewing.   Once a week I go for lunch to the home of a couple who are isolating.   She makes a soup and I take a salad.  So, I must go to the farmer's market in my mask to find makings for the salad.   Besides the delicious food and interesting conversation I also enjoy seeing the actual faces of my friends.  Have you noticed that people don't seem to be "real" when you can't see their faces.  Maybe those face shields are a good idea, so you can see if someone is smiling or frowning or crying or.... whatever.  

I will keep blogging.  Writing whatever comes to my head.  And sending good thoughts your way that you are being more successful than I at this isolation situation.  

And I will keep posting pictures of quilts as I can.  
Love, Del & KoKo

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Not much to say on this terrible night. 05-30-20

I don't have TV, but there are clips on the Internet about what is going on around the country.  I cannot do anything to help anyone, so I am just at home with KoKo.  Reading and sewing and behaving myself!  While KoKo watches out the window for the invasion of the mailman.  So, I have nothing to post tonight.  Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. 

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Saturday, May 9, 2020

Mask making 05-09-20

The mask making will be going on for quite some time, I think.  I have only made a few and have received a lovely one from a friend, but I need to make at least a few more so that I have at least one clean one every day.  To clean them I put them in a bowl in the sink and pour boiling water from my electric tea kettle.  Letting them soak for a few minutes, while stirring, then I pour out the water and let the masks cool enough to handle, then I squeeze them and roll them in a clean towel to get out most of the water before hanging them on a skirt hanger to let them dry in the kitchen.   Those with filter material inside take longer to dry.  

I came across this video about the materials and methods used by one quilt shop in Washington state and find it very helpful in deciding what materials to use.  I favor the "halter" type of ties using soft rolls of cut T-shirt material.  But if I could acquire it I would use the 1/8th" elastic since the halter type does not hang from the ears.  Works good for glasses and hearing aids.  

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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Big Moon and another mask 05-06-20

Tonight is the Flower Moon, ostensively the last "big moon" until April 2021,  It looks brighter to me, if not bigger, and really lights up the sky.  Since our weather is so hot we wait until the temperature drops below 80F to go for our evening walk and it is quite dark out by then.  Tonight it was 81F at 8:50pm and we headed out.  Not a breath of a breeze - HOT,  But the moon was up, low in the east, so we had a good look. My cell phone camera is not adequate for night pictures, but you get the idea, I'm sure.  

Here it is caught in the branches of a coral tree that is just setting the red blossoms. 

Earlier today I spotted this bush wearing a mask to protect it from the Virus.  It made me laugh.  The residents at this house have a nice sense of humor and do funny things for various holidays. 
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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Heatwave 04-25-20

We are having a very warm end of April.  The high today was 90F, but yesterday we were up to 91F and Thursday was 101F.  Even with the A/C I am flushed and sweaty and don't feel like even moving.  KoKo and I are walking early in the day and waiting until the temp gets down to 80F in the evening, the last few days this has been about 9pm.

This gives us a chance to admire the crescent moon and the brightest light in the sky, the planet Venus.  Even though I held the camera against a car I still shake too much.  The crescent moon is in the tree and Venus is high above - both are blurred.  I'm always amazed at the lightness of the sky in the pictures, as it is quite dark in reality.  

I did takeout sushi for lunch from our favorite local place, Fish in a Bottle, and it was very good.  I bought two rolls, but was more than full with one, so it is sushi for breakfast tomorrow.  Yum! 

In today's mail I had a lovely package from Carol Esch of New Jersey who I met in an Empty Spools class at Asilomar several years ago.  She had come across some Ruth B. McDowell postcards and sent them to me because she knows that I collect Ruth quilts.  AND she included one of the masks she has been making.  The quarter inch elastic goes through the channels on either side and fits behind the neck and over the head, so it fits very snugly against the face.  it is sort like a halter top only on the face!  Much better than what I have made with ties on all four corners.   I am looking up because I think it shows the fit better to have my saggy chin stretched up!!  

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Monday, April 20, 2020

Surviving the Virus 04-20-20

Well, I am surviving the isolation, but it is a struggle.  The last few days have been big time isolationitis.  I just wrote a long explanation and Blogger erased it!  All you received was the title of the post. So, I am trying to recreate it.   Today I had several contacts with other humans and it cheered me greatly.  First I visited with a neighbor who I sometimes see when KoKo and I are walking.  She had workmen to fix a wall in her backyard so she was out on the sidewalk when we came by.  We stood ten feet apart and had a nice visit.  Then I had a call from a friend in SDiego to talk about quilt making and our dogs - KoKo and CoCo.  CoCo is new to their family so they are still making adjustments to each other.  Then I received an e-mail from Floyd's niece Traci who lives with her family in Florida.  She is a substitute teacher so is currently unemployed.  It was great to hear about her family.  I haven't seen her for about 33 years and have never met her husband and kids.  One day I may drive that way and stop for a visit.  

So, my day was full of interaction and maybe that is what I need to keep me going.  So, if you receive a call from me, just chat for a bit - human to human. 

Here is a picture from Facebook of a sunset in Tucson, AZ, taken recently.  The caption said it is not Photoshopped, and I believe it.  The desert sunsets in that area are astounding. 
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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Making masks 04-07-20

There are so many patterns and so much mixed information out there.  Hard to know which pattern to use or where to distribute the masks.   This is one that I made for myself and have been wearing when I go out among people.    Batik on the outside,  a layer of Pellon sew-in interfacing, a layer of flannel (that is the duckies, the only flannel I could find in my library), strings cut from T-shirt.  The strings are not very successful, perhaps I need to cut them wider.  I now have the pattern that Nancy Ota is using, with her detailed pictures of the process, and will try that tomorrow.  

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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Looking to the future 03-30-20

Now that we have another month of isolation I am thinking I need to get myself on a schedule.  Of course, we have a daily schedule for KoKo and, therefore, for me.  Out for our walk sometime between 7am and 10am, breakfast, play with Froggy, sometime between 1pm and 2pm out to backyard to piddle and look for dogs in the park behind us, 5pm dinner, 7pm out for our evening walk.  In between we have Froggy on demand and lots of petting, brushing, and massaging.  

Guess I don't really have time to do anything else, eh?  

Today I hauled the step ladder in to change the light bulb over the sink, which I use a lot.  I don't do ladders any more, but I felt more secure on it than on a step stool with nothing much to hold on to.  It worked okay and I was glad I had a new bulb I could put up there.  

I also finished reading "The Pelican Brief" (John Grisham's third book published in 1992) which I had not read before, but I remember the movie very well, it was a great one.  It is interesting to see what changes were made in the plot and I wonder why they were necessary.  One thing that isn't in the book is the chase and explosion in the parking garage.  Those scenes have stayed with me and I am always a little apprehensive when I park in one of those structures.  Of course, the characters in the movie give faces to the characters, even if they do not resemble the descriptions in the book.   I have been borrowing books from my friend Carol's little library structure on the sidewalk in front of her house.  There are half a dozen of these handy libraries around my area, offering a selection of books that you can borrow and return, or replace with a book donation of your own, or just borrow.  In a pinch I could visit them in the middle of the night when I have an attack of insomnia. 

In keeping with everyone's recommendation I talk to someone everyday; today the girl in the window at Starbucks and my friend Liz on the phone.  A pause in the isolationitis. 

Stay well.  Stay home.  Stay in touch.  Love, Del & KoKo
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Saturday, March 28, 2020

I'm sturggling like almost everyone is. 03-28-20

One saving grace for me is taking KoKo for his walks twice a day.  We go in the morning sometime between 7 and 9 and in the evening at 7pm.  These evenings while we are out, the sun goes down and sometimes there is a glowing sunset.  But then the sky darkens and there is the moon and Venus in the western sky.  

I can't hold the camera perfectly still and leaned it against a car to take this shot.  But it still distorts the glowing planets.  

Tomorrow we will walk again and I will try to discipline myself to actually accomplish something.   The Black Beast looms and I must get myself in a different mood.  I try to not read anything about the Orange One or much about the Virus.  And I have sought out some funny videos.  Wish I had a solution for myself.  And everyone else who is in trouble over this crisis.  I'll keep working on it. 

Here is some helpful information on the neighborhood sidewalk. 

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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Sun and rain and spring flowers 03-23-20

And isolationitis!  This is hard, isn't it?  But we are all in the same boat - all over the world, but not everyone is in isolation.  There are those who just don't believe it is true and those that, I suppose, just don't care.  Things here in Placentia are really quiet.  We did not go out today, I am aiming for every other day excursions - just to get out of the house.  Not far and not getting out of the car.   Of course, we did go on our two daily walks, between rain showers.  The prettiest spring flowers are these magnificent white bearded iris down the street.  She does have a lovely yard and the iris multiply every year.  

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Sunday, March 15, 2020

A bad case of isolationitis

Although I went out to dinner with friends this evening and greatly enjoyed the company, I am not dealing well with this isolation.   I understand why it is necessary and I will do my best to stick with it.  But the "black dog" is lurking very close. I was out this morning early for a few groceries to carry me over the next couple weeks.  And that was depressing with the empty shelves and forlorn looking shoppers.  My friend Mary was at her local neighborhood market when a lady, another shopper, told her she shouldn't be there and she should go home!  Needless to say Mary is still fuming.  How unbelievably rude!   I think I would have read her the riot act, but Mary controlled her anger.  On the other hand, my Next Door feed has people offering to help with child care, shopping, and other helpful acts.  I hope I don't need any help and do not get sick, but I know there are people who are willing to help.  And that is reassuring.  I hope this isn't too much of a downer for you, just consider the source!!  Suffering from isolationitis.   I'll try sewing tomorrow!

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KOKo and Froggy 03-14-20

Now that my calendar is blank for the next three weeks I suppose I should settle down and accomplish something.  I really want to just sit in a chair and stare at the wall, with KoKo in my lap, of course.  I am not dealing well mentally with this big blank spot in my life.  Today I did sit in my chair with KoKo on my lap, but Froggy was there also.  He is in such bad shape it is hard to find solid fabric to sew up the tears KoKo makes.   Today KoKo kept a good hold on Froggy while I was sewing up a foot and a few holes here and there.  He is very patient, he doesn't tug or pull, he just keeps a good hold on some portion of that Froggy body.  Maybe he recognizes that his little friend might not be with us much longer,  Which doesn't stop him from gnawing and chewing and sucking on Froggy.   I hope I can keep him repaired for a long time yet.  And KoKo hopes that also. 

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