Showing posts with label Virginia Spiegel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virginia Spiegel. Show all posts

Monday, September 26, 2011

Two quilts from Virginia Spiegel in TCQC 09-25-11

Here are two pieces from Virginia Spiegel, part of her Boundary Waters series.  I purchased both of them in 2007 - two because I couldn't decide which one I liked the best!  The following URL will take you to a page where Virginia explains the lure of the Boundary Waters Wilderness located on the border of Minnesota and Canada.

"Boundary Waters #30"  Virginia Spiegel - Byron, IL  2007 9.25"W x 9.5"L
Hand printed and hand dyed fabric.  Machine applique and quilting.  Hand stitched accent.  
I find this piece difficult to photograph because of the light colored mesh layer between the background and the appliqued "grasses".  Therefore, I have used photos of the fronts of the works provided by Virginia. 

As many artists do these days, Virginia has used hand painted "rejects" on the back of the quilt.

"Boundary Waters #28"  Virginia Spiegel - Byron, IL  2007  7.75"W x 10.75"L
Hand printed and hand dyed fabric. Machine applique and quilting. Hand stitched accent.
Virginia is an amazing person and gifted artist who I have admired and watched for years.  I gladly supported her FFAC project to raise funds for the American Cancer Society. 

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Friday, April 15, 2011

More April Program for Surfside QGuild 04-15-11

 This is pretty much an arbitrary selection of small quilts from the Collection.  I tried to select pieces that illustrate various techniques and styles.  I believe I have talked about all of these in my Blog on various Sundays - check for the artist's name in the sidebar for more information.

Top row:  Calla Lilly - Aileyn Renli Ecob 2009, Liberty - Kathleen McCabe 2009, Amidst the Fire - K.Grace Howes 2009,  4 fiber artist trading cards, Pomegranate #2 - Dijanne Cevaal 2006, Blue Butterfly - Bonnie Sabel 2009.
Middle row: I Know a Rhino - Ami Simms 2006, (below) Red Nest - Claire Fenton 2006, Tillamook Rooster - Terry Grant 2009, Oregon Junco - Terry Grant  2007, Fantasy Flowers 1 - Julia Zgliniec 2010.  

Top row: Boundary Waters #30 - Virginia Spiegel 2007, Checks & Bars Jumble - Sue Benner 2009, House - Sally Sellers 2007, Night Fire -  Elizabeth Barton 2007,
Bottom row: Vest Pocket Tour II - Joan Schulze 2001, Gentle Reminder - Linda Colsh 2008, Don't Piss Off the Fairies - Ruth Powers 2008, Happy Birthday, Del - Judy House  2003.

You might notice that all of these small quilts have been created since 2001.  Prior to that, artists did not make many small quilts and, to be honest, I wasn't interested in such small pieces.  Realistically, selling nine 12x12 quilts at $100/each is much easier than selling one 36" square quilt at $5000.  I would like to support as many quilters as I can, so I started buying smaller quilts that fit within my selection parameters. .     

This is the folding design board that Mabel Huseby created for me and I have enjoyed it and use it whenever I can.  It was an "ha-ah" moment when I discovered that the small quilts could be pinned up before I left the house and the board simply unfolded at a meeting to display the quilts.  I also pin up a short description of each piece.
The two slats slip out and then fit in the horizontal sleeves to hold the board rigid.  

Here is the board folded with the handle and the closing tabs on the left, fastened with Velcro over the edge.  If you are interested in the pattern for this Portable Design Board you can contact Mabel at 

Friday, March 27, 2009

Results of Special Event

The Fiberart For A Cause Reverse Auction raised $6250 for the American Cancer Society. Not a record, but still a nice donation. All of the quilts were sold. This was the last of Virginia Spiegel's FFAC auctions. Thanks for your participation. Raised $6250 for the American Cancer Society

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Reminder of special event 03-25-09

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A note from Virginia Spiegel
The Fifth and Final Reverse Auction opens today, March 24, at 10 a.m. CST with 100% of the proceeds donated directly to the American Cancer Society:
The minimum donation will drop each day through Thursday, March 26. Wait too long and your favorite piece of fiber art will be gone! The generous artists who have donated their fiber artwork include:
Natalya Aikens
Gerrie Congdon
Marjorie DeQuincy
Rayna Gillman
Carol Larson
Linda Teddlie Minton
Susie Monday
Judy Coates Perez
Leandra Spangler
Roxane Stoner
Don't forget that you have two additional ways to support FFAC before it fades off into the sunset. You still have time to meet the April 1 jpeg deadline to donate artwork to Collage Mania and Collage Mania itself opens on May 5. All the details are here:

Thank you for your ongoing support of Fiberart For A Cause.
Warm regards,Virginia

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Shopping 12-17-08

Everyone is concerned about what is going to happen with our economy, apparently even Queen Elizabeth II. Artists are especially hard hit because what they have to offer is not vital to life and limb. Many are offering specials on their work and some are making smaller quilts to accommodate smaller pocketbooks. Lend your support by shopping artists' offerings.
Jeanne Williamson organized a site with offerings from many artists in different disciplines:
Elizabeth Barton added another 'page' to her blog:
Karen Stiehl Osborn has a page of collage pieces on sale at:
Fiberart For A Cause has merchandise related to this project to raise money for cancer research on their Cafe Press site:
Virginia Spiegel has a series at a special price:
I am sure there are other special offerings. If you send me the URL I will post it on my blog. I don't have a huge exposure, but every little bit helps.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Skinny strips #1 12-05-07

Over the last few years I have done a few quilts with fused skinny strips. The quilt above is "Grasses Return" a 12"square quilt I made last winter. And you saw the strips in my Dec 29th post showing my number one quilt in progress. But I hadn't thought of layering them different directions until I read Virginia Spiegel's Sep 28th post about skinny strips. You can read about Virginia's techniques at

I kept thinking about what she was doing and decided I had to try it myself. I made up a layer of scraps on WUnder, fused some Misty Fuse on top and sliced the resulting 'fabric' into strips. This afternoon I was playing with the strips, but wasn't happy with anything I did with them. So I have layered them onto backing fabric and will be adding some more layers on top. I don't think what I come up with will look anything like Virginia's work. Many of us can use the same basic techniques to create something unique which reflects our 'voice'. Doing the experimenting is necessary - as Yoda said, "Don't think, don't try, just do." Good words to remember.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

eBook for American Cancer Society 10-06-07

Need some inspiration? Virginia Spiegel, who has spearheaded the campaign within the quilting community to raise money for the American Cancer Society, has an eBook coming out with all the proceeds going to the ACS.

All of the details are on Virginia's website:

From Virginia's press release:"My eBook "Art, Nature, Creativity, Life" will be released on Monday, October 8 with all proceeds going directly to the American Cancer Society through Fiberart For A Cause."Art, Nature, Creativity, Life" is an expanded version of the best of my e-newsletters. There are 19 chapters stuffed with essays, art, photos, annotated book recommendations, and poetry.Make a cup of tea, settle into your favorite chair and wander through the issues at your leisure. You can spend ten minutes and be refreshed or spend several hours enjoying art, nature, poetry, photography and my take on the life of an artist. Enjoy and be inspired.My goal is to raise $30,000 to join the more than $130,000 that Fiberart For A Cause has already raised for the American Cancer Society."