Oh, my goodness, I haven't posted for a week. Not only do I not do much of anything, I also don't have any energy. We do our two walks a day, but sometimes, like today, I come home in the morning so weary I have to take a nap. Have an appointment with my primary next week and hope she can help. Or I'll have to look for a new doctor and most of you know what that is like.
I have been eating out. Too lazy to prepare food myself. Last week Carol and I went to Fish in a Bottle for the first time in forever. I had Salmon Sashimi which was as delicious as it always is. Carol had Tempura, which she shared, and it was also delicious. I will have to go more often. Unfortunately, our favorite waiter no longer works there and we missed him. Hope he has found a better place. On Saturday I was invited to dine with one of my neighbors whose wife was out of town, along with another widow lady. I think he just doesn't like to eat alone as he has asked us before. Rembrandt's is a local steak house which is very popular, probably because of the bar. The place is sort of a barn and the tables are bare, not even a placemat, and it is very noisy. I chose the blackened Diver Sea Scallops on Parmesan Mushroom Risotto. Tasty if a little salty and the presentation was lacking - even a few sprigs of parsley would have helped. At any rate I could only eat half and had the remainder for dinner the next night.

Scallops with Risotto
Guess I got in the mood for avoiding my kitchen and took KoKo out for breakfast on Tuesday. There is an old and popular breakfast/lunch spot that has several names. I think of it as Two Sisters, which is what it was called when I first came to Placentia. They have some outdoor seating so I took KoKo's pad and we sat under the eave and looked out into the parking lot. The outer patio was added with the Pandemic and takes up about ten parking spaces. Bummer.
I people watched, of course, mostly this lady who was decked out in sparkles. You might be able to see that she has rings on every finger, both hands. Also a sequined blouse and this light jacket with silver threads throughout. I know I am being old fashioned, but all that glitz at 9am? Shocking!
I mainly went for pancakes which are quite thick and large, filling the inner rim of the plate. They were very tasty and very filling, so I had to leave these last few bites. Their coffee is good and I relaxed and enjoyed the different view. KoKo was very good and was happy to let people pet him, but mostly just laid on his pad and watched everything that was going on.
I've managed to put off grocery shopping until I have no bread, no eggs, no veggies, no fruit, ...the cupboard is almost bare. MUST go tomorrow. Anyway, I was forced to go to In & Out Berger tonight. I guess I go about every six weeks, mostly so I can have French Fries! They are one of the few places that don't use precut potatoes which are kept fresh with Sulfites, to which I am very allergic. In & Out starts with fresh potatoes, peels, and slices them on site, so I don't have to worry. So, that has been my "gourmet" week. As far as accomplishing anything at home, it is just the usual - laundry, watering, cleaning the bathroom... you know, all the unexciting things we do.
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