Showing posts with label Twelve by Twelve. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twelve by Twelve. Show all posts

Monday, April 24, 2023

Quilts from Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection 04-24-23

In February 2012 Visions Museum in San Diego hung forty 12" X 12" quilts from the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection in the area across from the welcome desk.  The museum director, Beth Smith, and I laid out all the 12X12s I had at that time and selected these to hang.  It was a revelation to me to see so many of them hung together.  Since that time I have added many more from the SAQA online auction and other fund raisers, so now there are well over 100.  It would be fun to hang them all in a gallery - maybe in two rows all the way around.  

 Forty twelve-inch square quilts from the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection.

Top row: Judith Roderick, Kristin LaFlamme, Terry Grant, Sherry Kleinman, Nelda Warkentin, Els Vereycken, Bodil Gardner, Kirsten Duncan.

   2nd row:  K. Grace Howes, Sue Benner, Aileyn Renli Ecob, Karen Rips, C. Terry Meyer, Brenda Gael Smith, K.Velis Turan, Gerri Congdon.

  3rd row: Terry Grant, Mary Pal, Doria Anne Goocher, Linda Colsh, Polly Bech, Els Vereycken, Ruth Powers, Sue Dennis.

  4th row: Thom Atkins, Sandra Hart, Joan Sowada, Diane Perin Hock, Terri Stegmiller, Sally Sellers, Cynthia St. Charles, Chris Hanson. 

  5th row: Julia Zgliniec, Nanette Fleischman, Nikki Wheeler, Natalya Aikens, B.J. Adams, Nancy Morgan, Catherine Kleeman, Deborah Boschert.

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Monday, April 17, 2017

Monday Browsing 04-16-17

Monday Browsing

Pictures from Quilt Con – Savanah 2017:

Edge and corner finish from Terry Grant:

Also from Terry on April 9, 2017:
And maybe because it was my birthday, it seemed like a good day to finally get a weight off my shoulders that has been sitting there for a couple years. I took on the job of gathering the photos and text to self-publish a small book for the Twelve by Twelve group as a document of our second project—the one that came after our first book was published. It has been a hard project—many hours laying it out, proof-reading, tweaking, making changes, interrupted by long periods when it went on the back burner while I worked on other things. It was finally finished months ago, but I kept having second thoughts and the longer I procrastinated, the harder it became to just make the decision to send it to print. But I did, this week, on my birthday, and then I sent an email to the other eleven and they all got excited and happy and we all ordered books! It is available on Amazon. You can get the details at

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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Deb Mackay quilt in TCQC 09-21-14

This is another 12"X12" quilt I purchased at the silent auction held during the Sip, Savor and Stroll fundraiser at Visions Art Museum last week.  This was an entry into the Hand Dyed challenge, but there are also indications of the Sue Benner workshop held at the museum earlier this year.   
"Blue Bird of Happiness" Deb Mackay 2014  12"X12" 
Hand-dyed cotton fabric, fused,  machine quilted.
The tying off "tassels" on the corners are a Sun Benner technique. 
I like the layers of different shapes - it almost looks 3 dimensional.  

Love the blue feathers.  Notice the overcast edge done in different colored threads.

No actual label, just identified in long hand on the backing fabric.

Deb is a dyer and does a lot of marbling, this may have been from her earlier years of dyeing.
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Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Corky quilt in TCQC 12-29-13

This is one of my favorite quilts and it is even more precious now that Corky has died.  I think Diane captured the special look of this dear little poodle and she had never met him.  She used pictures from my blog to create her design. 

"Corky Encounters Nature"  Diane Perin Hock - Healdsburg, CA  2011   12"x12"
Cotton fabrics, illusion netting, cotton batting, fusible.  Machine appliqued and quilted.

I especially loved Corky's tidy little feet - they weren't quite this bony, but I think Diane's fabric choice is amazingly accurate.  I must say that Corky never paid any attention to the critters he encountered; I've seen him ignore a pair of ducks that walked within two feet of him.  He didn't even mind cats as long as they weren't in his yard or mine.

I've put in this duplicate which I sharpened so you can see the illusion netting that covers the entire quilt.

The white-on-white fabric really shows up in this picture.  Who knew that someone prints fabric with poodle curls on it? 

Diane is a member of the 12X12 Int'l group and this quilt was part of the gift of 12 they gave me because I sponsored their touring exhibit.   She didn't put a contact on the label - guess she hasn't heard me nagging people to do so. 

The backing and sleeve are a beautiful cabbage print.

Thank you, again, Diane.
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Sunday, September 29, 2013

New 12X12 quilt in TCQC 09-29-13

This is another purchase from the Visions Art Museum Veranda Sale in late August.  One of the things that I have discovered about my collecting decisions is that I like to add new techniques.  Although there is discharging in some of the quilts, this one is just discharge and a little quilting. 

"Weeds" Kathy Piper - San Diego 2011  12"x 12"
Cotton fabric, cotton batting, discharge dyeing, machine quilting.
I like the non-matched binding.  Same fabric but it makes a counterpoint since Kathy has made no attempt to make the color lines up. 

She has used a very thin thread.  Perhaps something thicker, even perle cotton would make the red more of a statement. 

With the light, solid background the quilting can be clearly seen.  With a bright color thread this could be a quilt on its own. 

Nice simple hand printed label - but no contact information.  How can I find her if I am interested in seeing more of her quilts? 
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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Quilt from TCQC by Kristin LaFlamme 09-09-12

Here is a quilt by Kristin that I posted previously in July 2007.   But now I have some detail shots and an image of the back of the quilt.  That earlier post is at:

"Village Series #7: To Be Uprooted" Kristin La Flamme 2007 12" X 12"
Machine pieced, hand and machine quilted.

I don't know if Kristin is still working on this series, but one of the nice things about a series is that it never has to end.  Even after the passage of years one can revisit the idea and continue adding new work.
This row of houses is stamped on fabric and then color added.  The roots are a monoprint on striped fabric.

The piece Flying Geese on the left are in contrast to the "rootedness" of the houses.  Kristin slipped in a little map here.  She knows lots about maps as an Army wife who has recently moved with her family again - this time to the east coast.

As you can see on the label this quilt was created while the family was stationed in Germany.  I like that all the stitches show on the back.

You can see more of Kristin's work on her website
Or following her life, family and work at her blog
She is also a member of the online group Twelve by Twelve
Read the Twelve by Twelve blog at

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Twelve by 12 at QFestival - LBeach 08--5-12

Here are the last of the pictures from Quilt Festival - Long Beach '12.  And they are all of the Twelve by 12 exhibit.  I was awed by the sight of this project "in-the-fabric" that I didn't take all the pictures I might have.  Just the idea of having twelve busy women devote their time to keep up with the challenge for four years is so impressive.  I'm glad that I could sponsor the exhibit at the Quilt Festivals so that many quiltmakers could see what can be done online with like minded women.  The exhibit will be shown again September  20-22, 2012 at the Northwest Quilting Expo, Portland, Oregon, and April 18-21, 2013 at the Australasian Quilt Convention, Melbourne, Australia.
This placard showing all twelve of the participants was at the entrance to the exhibit.
The quilts are placed on the panels in this order - i.e., the quilt in the top right hand corner of each panel was made by Helen Conway, those in the center of the second row from the top were made by Terry Grant, and so forth.  If you go to the website you can isolate all of each member's pieces. 

But only Terry Grant, Gerrie Congdon, and Karen Rips were able to attend this showing.  They included me in the picture..  a sort of honorary "Twelve".

The panels of quilts were shown in consecutive order.  The two on the right are the last two from the Theme project which is covered in their very successful book.  See their website:
They also have a Blog that updates the project and their lives:

Below are all the panels from the second two year project done with colors. 
Since I am one of those viewers who likes to read every sign and placard I have included the placards for a few of the panels, but not all.  Click on images to enlarge.  
Blue - White -Black
Kilauea - [volcano colors]
Purple/violet - Yellow
Lorikeet colors

Brown - Sage- Blue




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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Twelve by Twelve quilts at Quilt Festival - LBeach 06-30-12

Here is the announcement from the Twelve by Twelve group about their exhibit of 288 quilts from their first two years of making 12" x 12" quilts. I have never seen these quilt "in-the-fabric" and I am very excited that they will be in Long Beach. The quilts were exhibited at Quilt Festival in Houston and Cincinatti and this will be their last venue. I hope you will be able to see them in Long Beach.  I will be there most days, not with this exhibit, but at the Visions Art Museum table. Stop by and say hello.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Diane Perin Hock 12X12 quilt in TCQC 05-20-12

Here is the Poodle Prince designed by Diane from photos on my Blog.  This is another of the gift quilts made by the Twelve by 12 group to thank me for sponsoring their exhibit at the Quilt Festivals.  The Twelves will be showing their quilts at the Quilt Festival in Long Beach and some of them will be there to sign books and answer questions.

"Corky Encounters Nature"  Diane Perin Hock - Healdsburg, CA  2011  12" x 12"
Commercial cotton fabrics, batiks, tulle. Machine thread painting, quilting.

Such a loving rendering of my favorite poodle - hard to believe that Diane has never met him face to face!  One thing she has incorrect is that Corky doesn't pay the slightest attention to Nature.  Ducks and geese have walked right past his nose and he completely ignores them.  He is, after all, the center of the world, so why should he bother with lowly creatures.   When I showed this quilt to Corky's Daddy he said, "Where should we hang it?"  Not so fast, Pops, it will hang in the Nanny's house!  I love it.

A nice cabbage back that shows all the stitching, a perfect faced edge and a generous sleeve.  

A simple, but personal label.  No contact, but at least a city where someone could start looking.
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