I was surprised to run across this image online. Seems odd to me to use Happy and Epiphany in this juxtaposition. Is Epiphany something to be happy about? I'm completely out of the loop on this, but for some strange reason the word has come up more frequently this season, this year.
Saturday, January 6, 2024
Epiphany 01-06-24
Monday, January 2, 2023
A New Year - no resolutions!
I left resolutions behind many years ago. I never kept them and it seems self defeating to beat myself up over it. Now I just go day by day and do the best I can. I can't even settle on a word for the year ahead as some people do. I suppose two words would be okay - "Keep Going". The last three years have aged me and I have some physical problems. But I try to keep walking, keep getting out, keep working at something. I haven't been all that successful, but I keep moving ahead. It is the best I can do right now.
I had hoped to go to the Madeline Island workshops in Tucson again, but still not well enough to do it this year, maybe next. I went in January 2018 for a 5-day Sue Benner landscape class. It is a beautiful desert setting and the weather was perfect. Of course I took a lot of pictures And Sue had us interpret a photo we had taken there to create a small quilt top.
The picture I took is on the left with some additions at the top where the picture was cut off. It is always a challenge to find good fabrics among the boxes we take along to the class. Sometimes one must compromise. I think the sky fabric is too strong, but that is what I had with me. This remains in the "might complete it some day" pile, which is very, very tall!