Showing posts with label Trader Joes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trader Joes. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Peonies 05-21-19

Trader Joe's is having their annual Peony Spectacular and I couldn't resist.  They don't last very long as cut flowers, but they are so lush and colorful they are worth the cost.  This year all my store has is this salmony color.  Too bad they don't have a fragrance, but then that might be too much! 

This blossom is open to show the lovely gold threads inside.
The center top one in the group picture has already fallen apart.  Short lived, indeed. 

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Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday Feet 03-22-13

This little girl with her Hello Kitty shoes was being very noisy and I think her mom was running out of patience.  I was behind them in line at TJoe's, happy that they only had a few items in their cart.

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Friday, December 3, 2010

What's For Lunch? 12-03-10

I do like to try different foods. Sometimes I am disappointed, but usually I discover something I enjoy a lot. Trader Joe's is a good source of new discoveries.

When I saw "Brussels Sprout Salad in the refrigerated case I didn't react with joy - I thought it sounded a little strange, even though I do like Brussels sprouts cooked. But, hey, it was something I had never tried.

The ingredients are cooked tiny Brussels sprouts, dried cranberries, bits of bacon, roasted hazelnuts, Manchego cheese and honey Dijon mustard vinaigrette.

It was DELICIOUS! The Brussels sprouts were very tender and very mild, the bacon was subtle and the vinaigrette was a perfect balance of sharp, sour and sweet. I may stop tomorrow for another box when I go to LBeach to pick up the Poodle Prince. It has to be a seasonal product, so I will enjoy it while it is "in".

Speaking of 'seasonal', the manager at my local TJ's admitted to me that they will not be carrying cranberry chutney this year. I guess I will have to dig out my recipe and make my own. Although I do so little cooking I'm not sure I now know any longer!

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

More Kangaroo Paws 09-21-10

I've shown Kangaroo Paw flowers a number of times previously. But when I stopped at Trader Joe's yesterday I was thrilled to see these new colors - white and .....

...a lovely shade of pink. Fabulous.

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Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve Day 12-24-09

I woke up this morning feeling GREAT, which almost made me believe in miracles - but I know my improvement was the wisdom of Dr. Debin, the medications and my self knowledge that "rest in bed, drink lots of liquids" is (for me) one of the most effective methods of healing. I felt so much improved that I dressed and went out to TJoe's for a roasting hen to cook for dinner tomorrow. Since I was out there I made a stop at Corner Bakery (sold out of cinnamon muffins) for breakfast to go with my Starbucks latte.

I lingered, along with this unknown lady at a different table. Definitely short sleeve weather with an intense blue sky behind the jacaranda tree and the palms. Lots of bird song and some of the cutest little doggies I've seen in one place! I didn't linger because I knew I would run out of steam quickly - that can happen after almost three weeks mostly in bed.

My catty-corner neighbor has slowly, but steadily, been improving his yard and now has these brilliant blossoms in the front corner flower bed to brighten our Christmas season.

Hot pink and bright orange - a traditional Mexican color combo.

Christmas in SCalifornia.

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