Showing posts with label Trucks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trucks. Show all posts

Saturday, August 8, 2020

I give up 08-08-20

Sorry, I am not going to blog again until I can solve my picture problem.  It is just toooooo frustrating. 
Hope to be back with you soon.  

An A #1 truck shared by Terry Grant a few years ago.  Classy! 

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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wordless Wednesday 05-16-18

Not so wordless tonight.  These are things I will see on this trip to Washington state.  

Lots of wide open country, lonely roads. 

Pokey trucks and maybe some funny licenses. 

Many, many, many trees, including some cedars. 

Mount Hood (MY mountain), if I am lucky. 

Some weird roadside signs and attractions. 

And hopefully this view only from the motel parking lots.  
I don't drive much a night anymore. 

I might not get off tomorrow, or perhaps later in the day.  Left too many tasks until the last minute.  And that minute got away from me! 
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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Things I see on I-5 09-29-12

Those of you who have been reading my Blog in the past you know that I am always wondering about things I see on the highway.  Sometimes I can take pictures, but sometimes it doesn't work.  This post has two images of a strange cargo and one picture of a "village" that doesn't work.

What can this be?  It was in view off and on for quite a few miles when I was driving to San Diego last week.   Do any of you have a idea?
I suppose one clue could be those fancy gizmos here and there on the tubes.  Tie downs?  He did have the thing well tied down, always nice to see.  But not tied to the gizmos.
I've taken several pictures of this installation between I-5 and the ocean (which you can see just behind the houses), but my camera is inadequate.  I'm  hesitant to pull over on the shoulder and get out of my car to take a better picture, because this is within the boundary of Camp Pendleton.   Anyway, this is where marines train in a simulated village such as they will find in Iraq or Afghanistan.  I've never seen any people there, but others tell me they have.  It seems an unlikely place to construct such a facility - in full view of the hundreds of thousands of commuters on I-5. 
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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Friday Feet 06-22-12

This is all I ever saw of this girl in Cedar City, Utah.
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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Things seen on the road 06-21-12

I saw a number of these trucks on the highway and wondered what they hauled.  Then I saw one loaded, but I wasn't quick enough to take a picture.

Can you guess what this special flatbed might carry?

It only carries two items at a time.

The blades for the wind turbines that "grow" all over the West.  Two blades are loaded tip to base and extend the length of the flatbed.  They are very long. 

I can understand why someone needs this much hay (or is it alfalfa).  I have never seen so many horses while traveling the West - there are hundreds, maybe thousands in pastures and corrals along the way.  When I asked someone what the horses are used for I was told most of them are never ridden, the owners just enjoy having them.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What's on the Road... 09-20-11

When I am traveling I am always interested in what the trucks are carrying.  I've always been this way, but now that I have a digital camera I can keep a record and sometimes satisfy my curiosity by doing some Googling!  I have an entire file of just truck pictures- I'm weird that way!
The logs on this truck are fairly good sizes, larger than what I usually see these days.  I've talked before about my childhood memories of logs so huge that only one would fit on a truck.  That wasn't unusual sixty years ago.  This load was near Chehalis, WA, on I-5.

On this recent Road Trip I saw several loads like this.  Can't imagine what it could be.  Is it covered to protect the object?  Or to keep it secret?  Or....?  This one was just as I was going north into Seattle where they have these lighted speed limit signs with different speeds for each lane.  The signs are controlled electronically from a central "command post" so that traffic will flow more smoothly.  Bet they wouldn't work in LA, nobody would stay in the slower lanes!

There are always trucks hauling produce in the San Joaquin Valley.  These tomatoes are traveling I-5 to a processing plant that will turn them into sauce or ketchup.  They are all about the same size, get ripe all at the same time and have no flavor.  The flavor is added in the canning process.

Whenever I go on a Road Trip I take a picture of my vehicle - a hangover from the 50's,  I imagine, when almost everyone took photos of their cars/trucks.
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