A friend told me today that I am stubborn! And she is correct, I just want to do things my way. And sitting/laying around with my foot elevated is not something I choose to do. So, I pay the price by extending my ailment - who knows how long. I don't know how long my neighbors will indulge me and take KoKo for his walks. That is a large part of my continuing pain because I have been walking him. Not the full half an hour, but just up to the corner and back, so maybe half a walk. By last evening I could hardly put my foot on the floor, which is a big problem when I have to make it to the bathroom. Dear Tina walked KoKo today both morning and evening. Thanks, Tina!
While I was sitting with my foot elevated I finished the packages for the Book Group Christmas luncheon tomorrow. I think I can make it from the parking lot to the restaurant especially if I get a handicapped spot near the door. There are only seven of us now, but I always gift everyone with a gift card for Amazon or Barnes & Noble (their choice) and this year I also am giving them something I hope they will never need. Since some may read this I won't say what it is until tomorrow.