Showing posts with label Tina Weiss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tina Weiss. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Still gimpy! 12-13-22

A friend told me today that I am stubborn!  And she is correct, I just want to do things my way.  And sitting/laying around with my foot elevated is not something I choose to do.  So, I pay the price by extending my ailment - who knows how long.  I don't know how long my neighbors will indulge me and take KoKo for his walks.  That is a large part of my continuing pain because I have been walking him.  Not the full half an hour, but just up to the corner and back, so maybe half a walk.   By last evening I could hardly put my foot on the floor, which is a big problem when I have to make it to the bathroom.   Dear Tina walked KoKo today both morning and evening.  Thanks, Tina!

I had to skip the Surfside QGuild meeting today, which was one of the special meetings of the year.  Several members took over the photographers job, including the newsletter editor who will have many more pictures to sort through for the January issue.  They have sent me images of the members hard at work stuffing stockings and writing Holiday Greetings to go with each stocking.  Don't remember how many stockings, something like 160.  The members who did the acquisitions for things to go in the stockings outdid themselves and the excess will go to other non-profits in the area.  I hope we will do this again for future Christmas meetings.  

Everyone was stuffing away.  

As always the refreshment table was sooo appetizing.

While I was sitting with my foot elevated I finished the packages for the Book Group Christmas luncheon tomorrow.   I think I can make it from the parking lot to the restaurant especially if I get a handicapped spot near the door.  There are only seven of us now, but I always gift everyone with a gift card for Amazon or Barnes & Noble (their choice) and this year I also am giving them something I hope they will never need.  Since some may read this I won't say what it is until tomorrow.  

Gift bags from 99cent store for $1.29 - about 15" long. 

Made little sleeves for the gift cards using Grinch fabric from last year's after Christmas sales. 

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