Showing posts with label Terri Stegmiller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terri Stegmiller. Show all posts

Sunday, August 27, 2023

12X12 quilts in the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection 5 08-27-23

I didn't realize time was slipping away from me and I didn't blog all week.  As always I will try to do better.  

Here are six more 12X12 quilts in the Collection from the SAQA auctions over the years.  I do have quite a few  birds and will show more in a future post.  The 2023 SAQA Auction starts September 14.  You can see all 380 of the quilts at and read how you can register and bid.   I always go through them all several times and make a list of those I am interested in.  This year there are 24 on my list.  Depends on the price and who is bidding,  but I will  probably acquire  3 or 4  new pieces for the Collection. 

"Steller's Jay"  Terry Grant - Oregon  2011  12"X12"
Machine Pieced, Appliqued.  Machine Quilted.  Cotton Fabrics

"Night Owl"  Judith Roderick - New Mexico  2011  12"X12"
Silk  painting, Buttons, Machine quilted.

"Another Collector"  Diane Wright - Connecticut  2012  12"X12"
Artist painted background.  Machine pieced, appliqued.  Hand quilted.
Cotton Fabric and thread.

"A Little Birdy Told Me" - Terri Stegmiller - North Dakota  2011
Hand Painted, Machine outlined. Machine quilted.  Cotton fabric and thread tangles.  

"Blue Wren"   Helen Godden - Australia  2016
Machine appliqued and quilted.  Cotton Metallic fabric.

"Tree Top Parrots of the Palisades"  Sherry Kleinman - California  2009
Machine pieced, Appliqued, Quilted.  Machine Buttonhole.  Buttons.

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Terri Stegmiller quilt in TCQC 09-23-12

This quilt was one of the pieces in the SAQA online auction in 2011.  And it is one of two of Terri's quilts in TCQC - the other one is also a bird which I posted about at:
This little guy is especially expressive with a glint in his eye and his little three feathered tail sticking up.  And look at those dear little feet!  You know how much I like little feet!  Terri has wonderful control when she is thread sketching, creating the irregular line to indicate the "featheriness" of the bird's outline.  She also does such rich backgrounds by piecing together different prints and then coating with a transparent paint. 

"A Little Birdy Told Me"  Terri Stegmiller  2011  12" x 12" 
Cotton fabric, thread, batting, embellishment.  Machine pieced, thread sketched and quilted.  
These lines of thread waste are so effective here, giving the impression of fence wires.
The quilt is backed with hand dyed fabric and has a faced binding. 
A good label that tells the buyer and the viewer how to contact the artist. 
Altogether a lovely happy quilt which I have hanging in my bed room - like having a "birdy on my windowsill".
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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Terri Stegmiller quilt in TCQC 01-29-12

This is another of the Twelveby12 gift quilts.  It didn't make the cut for the VAM exhibit because there are two of Terri's bluebirds in the Collection and I chose the earlier one from the SAQA 2011 auction.
Such a perky little bird with a very authentic beak. Notice the spiral quilting that focuses attention on the eye and the feet.  Terri has used a pieced background, something I always appreciate in a quilt of any size, and close-set vertical quilting lines on either side of the spirals.  A very effective quilting choice. 

The view of the back shows the FMQ with black thread "sketching"that forms the outline of the bird which is filled in with color on the front of the quilt.

A hand printed label that gives the four most important bits of info - Title, Artist, Date, Contact.
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Sunday, October 30, 2011

12X12 Quilts From TCQC 10-29-11

Some of you will be off to Houston soon and I want to put in a plug for the Special Exhibit of the 12X12 group  and for their book "Twelve by Twelve: The International Art Quilt Challenge", published this year by Lark Crafts, a Division of Sterling Publishers.   Twelve quiltmakers, connected by the Internet, each committed to create twelve inch square themed quilts within a given time frame (60 days?).  They have completed two "sets" each composed of twelve quilts from each quilter and all of the quilts will be displayed in the Special Exhibit.  Only the first set (144 quilts) is included in the book.
 I have enjoyed this project from the beginning theme of Dandelion.  Watching the work of each quiltmaker as they struggle with designs, techniques, and deadlines, I have seen each one grow in ability and confidence.  I think that sharing their experiences in the book and showing the results of their efforts in the exhibit provides a chance for many quilters to learn and enjoy new directions in their own work.  So, I agreed to sponsor the exhibit at Quilt Festival in Houston and continuing to the subsequent venues in Cincinnati and Long Beach.  If you attend any of these Festivals I hope you will take some time to visit this Special Exhibit and study the quilts "in-the-fabric"
The quilts below are not part of the 12X12 project, but are quilts that were made by four of the twelve artists and are part of  TCQC.  All were purchased from SAQA online auctions.
"Tillamook Rooster" Terry Grant 2009  12" square. 

"Possibilities"  Deborah Boschert  2009  12" square 

"Village Series #7: Being Uprooted"  Kristin La Flamme  2007  12" square

"A Little Birdy Told Me"  Terri Stegmiller  2011  12" square
This one is from the SAQA auction this year and I have not yet posted about it, but I will soon. 
 Enjoy Houston, I wish I could be there, but right now it is just "too far, too hot, and too hard on the horses", as an old family saying goes.   
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