This just seems like a lovely sunset picture, but it is a little strange in that it is looking east on Palm Avenue. Yes, east! I was confused, however I realized that the sun was reflecting off a huge, tall pile of clouds in the east, shining under the local overcast. There was very little sunset to the west because the sun was already below the horizon. I have never noticed this phenomenon before.
Today I had the third epidural for the sciatica. It was at the Hoag Surgical Center in Irvine, across the street from the enormous Kaiser facilities - hospital and offices. The Hoag Center is quite large also and I landed in the wrong place and had to call Dick to come to drive me around the complex to the correct location. The signs are small (the Irvine Company influence?) and there doesn't seem to be a direct way to get anywhere. If you ever go, be sure you have the exact address (we didn't) and use your GPS (we did). The paperwork and the prep of my body took more than a half an hour and I'm sure I signed my name about a dozen times. It seems they never received the FAX with my Covid test results and I think they ended up calling the doctor's office to check that it was negative. The procedure only takes about 10 minutes, followed by a 15 minute "recuperation" period. As instructed I have rested all day, but did have an okay to take KoKo for his evening walk. I still hurt, but I remember that it took several days the last time for the effects to show up. Hope they do. I would like to do some exercises, but they said to wait three days for that.
Tomorrow I will be active again and hope to finish the final touches on my quilt to go to PIQF. Just have the label to make and some threads to pull in and trim. I am pleased with how it has turned out and happy that I learned some things along the way. I will be glad to be able to sew for longer periods of time - standing at the cutting table and the ironing table and sitting with my foot on the pedal! Soon.
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