Saturday, May 4, 2024
Morning walk 05-04-24
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
A Bird Bath 10-10-23
I know that I would not take a regular, daily walk If it weren't for KoKo. We used to go further, but with my sciatica problems I have a time limit of about half an hour. Just enough to go one loop around the neighborhood. Besides the physical exercise we see our neighbors and KoKo receives lots of patting and gives a lot of licks (bare toes in sandals!}. I stretch my brain trying to remember the names of plants, birds, and the people we met. I need the human contact, no matter how slight, and I think KoKo does also. There are even a few dogs KoKo will tolerate, as long as they aren't very much larger than he is. With regular walking we discover changes and improvements, see what is blooming, and pick up bits of trash along the way, especially pieces of plastic.
Difficult to take a picture, I will try again when the light is different.
Saturday, August 12, 2023
Miscellaneous 08-12-23
I have not been posting because my life is so dull there isn't much to post about! I previously mentioned backing into my garage door which requires a complete replacement. That was a week ago and I am still waiting for the installation. With all the auto thefts and break ins I hate leaving my car parked in the driveway, but there is no guarantee that if I close it in the garage I can open the door to get it out! On Monday I had to have a handyman replace my garbage disposal which was leaking water under the sink. The joys of homeownership!
Tuesday was the Surfside Quilters Guild meeting where the Challenge quilts were revealed. It was a good year with 40 entries with the theme of "How Sweet It Is", all very original and interesting. There is always a viewers choice and the winner was Michelle Howe's "Candyland". Her work is very good and she researched Candyland, finally finding a1950s version of the game on Etsy. It was her favorite game as a child and she added a few personal favorite treats. The Viewers Choice prize is always $100.
Monday, January 17, 2022
Please forgive my silence!
Monday, November 22, 2021
Walking and KoKo 11-22-21
I actually did some sewing today, but nothing I can share. Mostly just working on UFOs and doing some repairs on quilts in TCQC. Sleeves come loose, sometimes a few stitches on bindings are not secure, and loose threads have been missed. I always put a TCQC label on the quilts and have been very lax the last year or so. Out of labels and need to make some more.
KoKo and I do our two walks a day, some are longer than others. There was a brush fire in Riverside County, which is about 40 miles away, and the Santa Ana wind was blowing toward the ocean, so we had smoke. Didn't see any ash, but the wind was so strong I suspect it all just went out to sea. I wore my mask, but KoKo doesn't, so we shortened our walk last evening. Today it was still windy, but no smoke, so we did the full loop morning and night. There are Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas decorations in yards. I know a lot of people put up Christmas stuff the weekend after Thanksgiving, but I suspect some people are traveling so they decorated before they left.
Right next door to the skeleton in a basketball hoop. He came down over the week end, I kind of miss him.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
And even more flowers! 04-14-21
A bit cooler today, but still the flowers bloom. We are trying to walk a little earlier, by 9am, in preparation for the summer temps when we will have to walk about 7am to avoid the heat. I don't tolerate it as well as I once did, but KoKo doesn't seem to mind. The prediction for the weekend is in the mid to upper 80s, but it was only 65F today and low 50s overnight.
These pink flowers popping up in neglected lawns are Mexican primroses, not related to the primroses one finds at the nursery. They are very invasive , which is obvious when one sees them growing in downwind yards where they are not wanted. But they are very delicate and a lovely pale pink. They look a bit like giant crocus.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Still healing, walking 11-23-20
KoKo needs his walks every day and it helps me get stronger, so we haven't missed a walk since he came home last Tuesday. I need to use either the cane or the walker because I am pretty wobbly on my feet and sometimes need to sit down when there is not a low wall handy. We haven't gone all the way around the loop, which would be a mile, bit I suppose we walk something like 2/3rd of a mile. The weather has been on the cool side - sixties and low seventies with night time into the mid forties. So, we do see some autumn color, but the temp hasn't gotten down far enough to have the cold snap that causes riotous leaves. This is the liquidamber/sweet gum in my neighbor's yard. The previous owners trimmed it just before they moved and for some unimaginable reason cut the top of it off. It should have a pear shape - narrower at the top. Sad. Anyway, I love the star shaped leaves. They don't hold a candle to those where some of you live, but we take what we can get!!
Friday, November 20, 2020
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Another day at home 05-31-20
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Tomorrow, I'll start tomorrow! 03-17-20
Monday, December 2, 2019
In the neighborhood 12-02-19
Saturday, September 28, 2019
In the neighborhood 09-28-19
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Bird watching 07-17-18
Complaining crow from Google Images
Then later in the day I looked out the kitchen window and there was a ROADRUNNER sitting on the low wall across the back. I have never seen a roadrunner around here, it is all houses and streets, no open country near by. I tried to take a picture, but my camera battery was dead and I couldn't get a close enough shot with my cell phone. He hopped down a bit and flew off down the slope. I wonder what he was doing in this built up area.