Showing posts with label Rebecca Douglas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rebecca Douglas. Show all posts

Monday, August 21, 2023

12X12 Quilts in the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection. 4 08-21-23

Although I love flowers, for some unknown reason I don't buy many flowered quilts. Here a re a  few that vary greatly in the techniques used.  I do  look for a variety of techniques and styles when  I  am adding quilts to the Collection.  Especially so with the 12X12 pieces.   Here  we have embroidery,  fusing, beading, cut and rearrange, and hand applique. 

"Fantastical Garden'   Gillian B. Moss - La Jolla, CA  2012  12X12
Lovely soft colors of thread against a screen printed square with holes left for the hand stitched flowers.  Straight stitches, cross stitches, back stitches, stem stitches, running stitches, fly stitches, single chain stitches - done in perle cotton and sewing cotton threads.

Cotton fabrics. Fused, machine applique and quilting.
Cute machine stitched June bugs are in the upper left quadrant.

"Gold Scarab"   Thom  Adkins  2010   12X12
Thom is known for the elaborate beading on his quilts.

"Ode to a Cabbage Rose"  C. Terry Meyer - Espanola, NM  2011 12"x12"
Cotton fabrics, metallic gold thread.  Machine reverse applique, machine quilting. 
It appears that Terry made nine blocks (there are nine 'surface' fabrics) and then cut them into fourths and recombined them to make four patches.  The edges of the patches are butted together and stitched with mono filament.
"Calla Lily"  Aileyn Renli Ecob - California  2010  12"X12"
Cotton fabrics. Fabric  pen. Hand applique,  Hand quilted.
Aileyn does the most exquisite hand work of anyone I know.

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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Rebecca Douglas quilt in Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection 09-07-14

"June Bugs in the Roses" Rebecca Douglas - Columbia, MO  2013  12" X 12"
This 12 X 12 quilt is from the SAQA 2013 online auction, it is full of Rebecca's ideas on cutting and sewing the elements of her quilts that depict the world around her.  The only website I can find that shows her work is:
But there is an article about her at
These little blue bits, which remind me of Forget-me-nots, appear to be cut with either pinking shears or a pinking rotary cutter.  Placing them on a darker blue scrap with a yellow center gives that look she needed.  The larger flowers resembles a blue Columbine.
Look at the variety of color she has put in her "red" rose.  The fabric choice for the tall thin flowers is inspired - maybe Astilbe?  Don't know about the orange flowers  - perhaps they represent Gaillardia or Gazanias.  Look under the rose on the left and you will see the winged green June bug.

At first I couldn't  find any June bugs on this quilt, except on the very nice hand drawn label.  Too bad she didn't put a contact on the label so I could inquire about availability of her other quilts.

The back doesn't show any quilting lines, so Rebecca must have covered it when the quilt was finished.
This charming little quilt is from the SAQA-2013 online auction and part one of the 2014 auction is coming up next week.  Check it out at
I have made a list and will be hot off the mark when the bidding opens at 11am PDT on Monday, Sep 15th.
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