These days I don't seem to do anything very interesting. Just keep up with all the different doctors that are required this old lady world. Orthopedist, Cardiologist, Urologist, Dentist, Ophthalmologist, Podiatrist, Dermatologist, and soon! Somehow they all need to be seen in May. Of course, I take care of KoKo and do our two walks every day. He sees the vet tomorrow for a wellness check. But in the morning I go to Surfside Quilters Guild where we celebrate our 15th birthday. Might have some interesting news tomorrow night.
Monday, May 13, 2024
Flowers, 05-13-24
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Miscellaneous 05-01-24
Just a few views of our everyday life.
Friday, April 26, 2024
From Quilts to Roses! 04-26-24
Although there were many roses blooming before I went to Empty Spools at Asilomar, now they are in riotous delight. These are in two different front yards on our walking route.
Sunday, December 31, 2023
New Year Ahead 12-31-23
Just reminiscing about New Years past. I have never been to the Rose Parade in Pasadena, although Floyd and I drove up several times after the big day to look at the fabulous floats parked along a street. The crowd control was excellent, so everyone stayed happy and friendly. There were rows of porta-pottys to make everyone comfortable.
The closest I came to actually attend the parade was about 1959 or 1960. I was living with my paternal grandmother in Arcadia and went to an all night party with some friends - dancing, eating, snuggling, "carrying on". My date dropped me off to change into warmer clothes while he went home to do the same. It wasn't light yet and very cold. I took off my party dress and, shivering every minute, started to layer on warm clothes. I looked at my nice warm bed, yawned a few times, looked again at the clock, and called my date to say I just couldn't make it. He wasn't terribly disappointed and didn't go himself. As it turned out we were not the only chickens, about half the group actually went to watch the dawn and the parade. By the time the next year rolled around I was living in Long Beach and had to work on holidays. I was never tempted to go to the parade again. I guess I am too much of night owl. Not very many sunrises in my life!
In another hour it will be a new year. I am very apprehensive what will happen to our country politically. And also about the wars around the world. I hope you all stay safe and keep well. Have a great 2024. Love, Del and KoKo
Sunday, July 2, 2023
Yard Cleanup 07-01-23
Today I had some luck with my yard cleanup. I had a guy come to give me an estimate a couple weeks ago and yesterday he showed up to get started. Today he and two younger guys came to do the work. It only took them about two and a half hours and I think they removed every weed in front and back yards. Unfortunately they also severely pruned that big pink rosebush in the back. Not a flower or a leaf left! Hope it will revive. I will have to get out to prune my favorite "Brandy" rose in the front before he comes back next Friday. It looks really sad, but may respond to a light pruning, some fertilizer, and some mulch to keep the roots cool.
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Thursday, February 9, 2023
What is blooming 02-09-23
Thursday, March 10, 2022
An answer and a rose! 03-10-22
The picture in yesterday's Wordless Wednesday blog is copied from the Internet. It is an electron microscope image of kidney stones, which are like grains of sand. No wonder they are so painful. But also rather beautiful in their precision.
Also sharp, but beautiful, here is a bloom on the rosebush Suzanne pruned two weeks ago. She left a couple small buds that reached for the sun.
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Saturday, February 26, 2022
Rosebush 02-26-22
Thirty-five years ago when we moved into this house we re-landscaped the yard. There were a few roses and we added a dozen more. I enjoyed the roses and spent time keeping them in good shape. But after Floyd died I suddenly lost any interest in the yard. Which was a surprise because I had always longed to have a garden and lots of roses. I always grew tomatoes, even when I lived in an apartment - I found a way! So, the roses slowly died and I haven't planted tomatoes for a decade at least.