Showing posts with label Rose Parade.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rose Parade.. Show all posts

Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Year Ahead 12-31-23

Just reminiscing about New Years past.  I have never been to the Rose Parade in Pasadena, although Floyd and I drove up several times after the big day to look at the fabulous floats parked along a street.  The crowd control was excellent, so everyone stayed happy and  friendly.  There were rows of porta-pottys to make everyone comfortable. 

The closest I came to actually attend the parade was about 1959 or 1960.   I was living with my paternal grandmother in Arcadia and went to an all night party with some friends - dancing, eating, snuggling, "carrying on".   My date dropped me off to change into warmer clothes while he went home to do the same.  It wasn't light yet and very cold.  I took off my party dress and, shivering every minute, started to layer on warm clothes. I looked  at my nice warm bed, yawned a few times, looked again at the clock, and called my date to say I  just  couldn't make  it.  He wasn't terribly disappointed and didn't go himself. As it turned out we were not the only chickens, about half the group actually went to watch the dawn and the parade.  By the time the next year rolled around I was living in Long Beach and had to work on holidays.  I was never tempted to go to the parade again.  I guess I am too much  of night owl.  Not very many sunrises in my life!  

In another hour it will be a new year.  I am very apprehensive what will happen to our country politically.  And also about the wars around the world.  I hope  you all stay safe and keep well.  Have a great 2024.   Love, Del and KoKo

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