A gorgeous day in the hills outside San Juan Bautista - sunshine and flowers blooming in Mary's deck boxes. Today was my 73rd birthday - at some point in the past I didn't want to admit to having a birthday and getting "old". Now each year is an accomplishment! Mary served fresh wild salmon for dinner - it was beyond delicious - and we followed up with olallieberry pie/vanilla ice cream. A dinner for royalty!
This quilt really made a visual impact. Just stunning from a distance and interesting to see the work close up. The detail shot is of the right side panel.
The label states that this quilt is all done with curved piecing and it definitely looks like Ruth McDowell's technique. Obviously Wanda does excellent sewing and she has a good eye for color. I love this quilt.
Such realistic feathers and a very realistic eye. Quite a beautiful quilt with great technique.
I'm sorry I did not get a full-on shot of this beautiful quilt. The colors are so vivid and the detail very accomplished. Note the stamen on the hibiscus in the detail above.
This is why I need to go a 2nd day to a big QShow - just to retake the pictures I messed up on the first day.
Anyone who is a fan of Linnea artwork will appreciate this quilt. I use their desk top calendar every year and am inspired each month by the graphic quality of the illustrations. http://linneadesign.com/
Terry learned Velda Newman's lessons well and created in the large scale that Velda uses. This quilt is six feet wide and almost four feet long. I'll bet she has special place on her wall to show it off.
This is a little tropical fish hidden in the shoulder - right edge about halfway.
There is (was?) an oil painter who did this type of brilliant interpretation of animals. I went to a dentist who had some prints on the walls of his waiting room - many years ago. The look on the horse's face seems so sad - I wonder if it is intensified by the blue color.