Showing posts with label Quilt Nat'l '09. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quilt Nat'l '09. Show all posts

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Too tired tonight 06-06-09

Don't want you all to worry if I don't blog, but I can hardly think tonight. Maybe I will be able to post a quilt from TCQC tomorrow! For sure on Monday!
Meanwhile, here are two more blog posts from QNat'l 2009:
Love, Del

Friday, June 5, 2009

More photos from QNational 2009 06-05-09

I think these are interesting for the different angles the quilts are depicted. The quilt made of little flags is much more interesting knowing that it is 'see through' and hung on a curved rod.

Here are some views of a Belgian QShow showing quilts by Linda Colsh, one of my favorite quilt artists:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Miscellaneous 05-25-09

The doctor said no strenuous exertion, so I figure the best thing to do is lay around reading mysteries and eating bon-bons! No really, although I am reading more than usual, mostly I am still fighting with my computer. I need to update my TCQC files, but much to my surprise, I no longer have Microsoft Word on my computer - the new one. I am quivering inside in fear of losing all those files. In the morning I may just take a trip to the computer store to see what we can do about this. And I could stop at See's Candy [the best in the world and only a few miles away]!

I get a laugh out of this cartoon every time I see it - Glasbergen does the best. I know exactly what he is talking about and, probably. you do also.

Sometimes even a Poodle Prince needs to make a mess to get some attention. It is too late to break him of the habit, besides the fact that he will be 13 in July, we always laugh - surely a sign of approval. Corky has been in the desert with his parents for the holiday weekend, I miss him.

Another bad thing about not going to the SAQA Conference is that I didn't get to see Ruth and Charlie or their wonderful Komondor, Griff. What a guy! I don't know what he weighs, but probably a third of it is hair [which means I am not allergic to him].

I have e-mail from several people who did go to Athens and I hope that someone, or many someones, will share their pictures with me. I am still in a state of yearning. If you didn't go either, you might want to look at the QNat'l prize winning quilts for this year - they are shown on their website:
Also, Pokey Bolton talks about QN on her blog:
As I said above I have been reading. When I am sick or stressed or stranded I like to read Anne Perry's, Thomas and Charlotte Pit mysteries. Since I have all of them I get down the box and start with number one. I am on number eight and there are about twenty-five, so I have reading material for at least a month. The Bo Caldwell book is the Book Group book this month.
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Saturday, May 23, 2009