The doctor said no strenuous exertion, so I figure the best thing to do is lay around reading mysteries and eating bon-bons! No really, although I am reading more than usual, mostly I am still fighting with my computer. I need to update my TCQC files, but much to my surprise, I no longer have Microsoft Word on my computer - the new one. I am quivering inside in fear of losing all those files. In the morning I may just take a trip to the computer store to see what we can do about this. And I could stop at See's Candy [the best in the world and only a few miles away]!
I get a laugh out of this cartoon every time I see it - Glasbergen does the best. I know exactly what he is talking about and, probably. you do also.
Sometimes even a Poodle Prince needs to make a mess to get some attention. It is too late to break him of the habit, besides the fact that he will be 13 in July, we always laugh - surely a sign of approval. Corky has been in the desert with his parents for the holiday weekend, I miss him.
Another bad thing about not going to the SAQA Conference is that I didn't get to see Ruth and Charlie or their wonderful Komondor, Griff. What a guy! I don't know what he weighs, but probably a third of it is hair [which means I am not allergic to him]. I have e-mail from several people who did go to Athens and I hope that someone, or many someones, will share their pictures with me. I am still in a state of yearning. If you didn't go either, you might want to look at the QNat'l prize winning quilts for this year - they are shown on their website: Also, Pokey Bolton talks about QN on her blog:
As I said above I have been reading. When I am sick or stressed or stranded I like to read Anne Perry's, Thomas and Charlotte Pit mysteries. Since I have all of them I get down the box and start with number one. I am on number eight and there are about twenty-five, so I have reading material for at least a month. The Bo Caldwell book is the Book Group book this month.