Showing posts with label Quilt Labels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quilt Labels. Show all posts

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Re-visit a Ruth McDowell quilt from TCQC 10-01-17

This quilt was on my blog on 09-06-15.  It is so much a Ruth quilt and so bright and happy.  Not Canadian Geese, but seeing them fly over reminded me to hang this quilt to enjoy during the Fall.
In taking classes with Ruth over the years I tried hard to learn how she selects the fabrics for each piece, but, although I learned a lot, I think one has to be born with an "eye" like hers.  Who else would chose that glorious, bright circle fabric for a border?  It works.

Ruth has the ability to make her pieced animals and people look realistic whether she uses straight or curved piecing.

She invents her quilting design as she works.
Her signature is on the front....

...and on the label on the back.  She gives the necessary information: Title, name of maker, date, and a way to contact her.  Which is a good thing for me because people who are looking for buyers of Ruth's quilts that she sold long ago call her and she gives me a call.  I have added four of her wonderful early quilts this way. 

She always has interesting backs - this one is elegant.
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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Quilt Labels 05-23-17

Back in 2004 there seemed to be a lot of conversation about quilt labels and I had to add my opinion.  Tonight I was looking through long ago pictures and came across the photos from that post.  And I thought a repeat might be interesting.  However, I cannot find the original post to re-publish it.  Below are all ways to label quilts back in Dec 2004.
Label printed on fabric using Epson printer.

Label created with sewing machine alphabet on print fabric.

Another label printed on fabric using Epson printer.

Printed on printed fabric such as used on front of quilt.

Hand printed using fabric markers. Minimal information.

Hand and computer printer.  Minimal information.

Machine embroidered info on commercially printed label.

Top label - printed on computer printer
Bottom label - custom printed label.
Caryl puts her labels on the top of the quilt, which is terribly inconvenient when one is looking for a label and all other artists' labels are on the bottom.

Hand printed on Marimekko fabric.

Hand printed in a print fabric frame.  Minimal information.

Hand printed on fabric with paper pieced geese on each side.
There are, of course, hundreds of techniques to make a label and all sorts of ideas on what should go on the label.  As a collector I think these are required:  Title, Artist name, Year made, An address or e-mail so someone can contact the artist in the future, Fabric content, Size.  The artist might want to include information about the inspiration for the design, any contests or publications where it has appeared.....  whatever.  Who knows who will be looking at this a hundred or more years in the future.  What do you want them to know?
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