Showing posts with label Pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pictures. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2024

Just water pictures from the past 04-29-24



Doheny Beach, Dana Point,

White Pelicans, Anaheim Lakes, CA

Otters at Morro Bay, CA

Puget Sound, WA and Mount Baker on the mainland.

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Sunday, August 16, 2020

Posting wihtout pictures 08-16-20

It suddenly occurred to me that it is possible to post without pictures!!  DUH!  But I am so keyed to including images that I hardly know what to say without them.  

It has been very hot here and many other places.  Placentia was 96F today, but unfortunately it doesn't cool off a lot at night.  Tonight is predicted to be 72F and for SCalifornia it is quite humid.  

Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) members have been posting quilts alphabetically, starting with A on August 3rd.  And now we are up to L today.  I posted Jean Ray Laury's 2001 quilt "Lowanda Does Hollywood"  30.5"W X 33.5"L

   When I put the picture here it shows on my copy, but when     post it, the picture disappears.  But when I pull up my blog     again, there is the picture.  I'm so confused!!  

Enjoy.   Love, Del and KoKo

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