Showing posts with label Paula Kovarik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paula Kovarik. Show all posts

Friday, September 24, 2021

Out and About 09-24-21

I drove to San Diego again yesterday with Nancy Ota.  We both wanted to see the current exhibits at Visions Art Museum, she needed to pick up two dining room chairs she had reupholstered, we both had scraps to drop with Salvation Army, and I needed to pick up something from my friend Judy in north San Diego - right off I-5.  KoKo stayed home alone for about eight hours, poor guy, but he seems to do okay as long as I don't leave him like that very often.  He couldn't stay with Nancy because she was with me!  He needed extra loving and extra play time last night so he recovered nicely.

The main exhibit at VAM is "Raw and Reassembled", quilts made by Paula Kovarik.  I have long admired her work and hope to add a piece to the Collection.  She does wonderful free motion stitching with heavy black thread on white or white thread on black - whimsical creatures, swirls and squares, thick and thin, houses and waves, and.... well, anything that comes to her mind.  I do wonder if she has nightmares!!  VERY inventive.  She also cuts up quilts she has made previously, combines them with pieces of other quilts and creates fascinating juxtapositions of shapes, colors, motifs, and great visual depth.  Here is a picture of "Unmapped" made in 2017 and measures about 30"W X 40"L.She describes it as 'Reassembled quilt pieces, overstitched."  


Another gallery shows "Expressive Liberations" colorful quilts from San Diego People of Color Quilt Guild.  And in the small gallery are four quilts from the permanent collection. 
These exhibits are up until October3rd.

Today is the one year anniversary of the death of my friend Mabel Huseby in Washington State.  Not a day I wanted to stay home and mourn (something I have done every day for a year) and my friend Carol joined me for lunch at Cedar Creek in Brea.  Carol is always good company and we both enjoy the food at Cedar Creek.  It is in a Republican area, but our table was nicely separated and we masked up going in and out and the wait staff was all masked.

Carol had the Brown Derby style Cobb Salad which is finely chopped and delicious.

I had the fish tacos which came with rice and beans. Also delicious and enough food that I didn't need dinner tonight.

The plate was so colorful I took this close up.

I had a yen for dessert (when don't I?) so we shared a lemon tart which was topped by three huge raspberries.  Fabulous, but it would have been easier to eat with a spoon.

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