Showing posts with label Portals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portals. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Inspiration 07-01-14

Now that the SQG July newsletter is finished and posted, I must get busy with the Ruth McDowell quilts I'm sending to Marion, Indiana, for the exhibit that goes along with Ruth's induction into the Quilter's Hall of Fame.  And, at the same time, get ready to go to Indiana for the festivities.  I always leave too much stuff to the very last minute, but I am trying to do better this trip.  I had the Lexus serviced and a "trip check" and tomorrow morning I will write a stack of checks for bills due and about to be due.   And then there is laundry and....... so much more. 
So, I am going to do about a week of "Inspiration" showing pictures I have taken to inspire a quilt or two.  Who knows, I might be seriously inspired and make a quilt..  or two sometime this summer.
 This is a fence next to a dilapidated garage in Placentia.  In many of these older areas the Asparagus Fern Plumosus (the one used by florists so often with roses) has become a noxious weed.  As you see it is doing well vining through the fence cracks

You see how dilapidated the door is.  I wonder if this hinge would survive it someone tried to open the door. 
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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Monday Browsing/Portal 03-03-14

The Eisenhower Memorial Tunnel, located 60 miles West of Denver on I-70 is the highest vehicular tunnel in the world, located at an elevation of 11, 013 ft at the East Portal and 11,158 ft at the West Portal (shown).

Too funny quilters’ calendar:

An awesome murmation of starlings:

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Monday Browsing + Portal 12-30-13

Where are you from?     [My map showed  Sacramento, Stockton and Salt Lake City, places I have never lived.  At least it showed I am a Westerner. Del]
Ads worth a second look…  or a third… or many:
I’ve checked up on Viewpoints9 – they have done some interesting work in the last few months.

Aliaga home in Lima, Peru  Photo by Nancy Ota November 2013 
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Monday, December 23, 2013

Monday Browsing + Portals 12-23-13

Winners at 2013 Houston Quilt Festival:
Interesting comparison of “-ough”:

Who is deciding what we read?   I find this more than a little frightening:

Crossword Puzzle addicts might appreciate this.  [WA is for the state of Western Australia.]

Now, THIS is a happy dance!

This blogger talks about speakers who have visited her QGuild in Lincoln, Nebraska.  Interesting.

A Holiday Portal - San Clemente - 12-17-13
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Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday Browsing & Portals 12-09-13

A playlist of vintage fashion reels from the YouTube channel Vintage Fashions. Taken from the British Pathe.
“Go Tell it at the Quilt Show” – Video interviews with quilters from the Alliance for the American Quilt.  “One quilt, one person, one camera, three minutes,  another story saved.”   If you hover your mouse indicator over the listing on the right you can see who the interviewee will be on that segment.  Hollis Chatelain does one about her “new technique” which is a variation of San Blas style reverse appliqué.
A special installment of “Hawaii 50” which includes info about the internment of Japanese American citizen in Hawaiian concentration camps.
Workspaces of 40 famously creative people,  including Gerrie Congdon’s daughter Lisa.

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Monday Browsing + Portals 12-02-13

Google Doodles are a little bit of fun among the detritus of the Internet.  I especially like this year’s Thanksgiving Doodle.   Use the “finder” to look for almost any topic or date:

Ecologically correct?  Or just a gimmick?

The results of the Alzheimers Project sale at Houston – w/videos and pictures:

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Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday Browsing + Portals 11-11-13

The American quilt square trail movement and Donna Sue Groves:

Quilting in Space:    Fascinating!

National  Quilt Collection: (about 12min)

Here is a site shared by Terry Grant for reduce price on Liquid Thread®, but there are a lot of interesting items  - like bird cages, eggs, nests, birds of different materials,…..  and on and on.  Check it out, you might find something you can’t live without. 

Here are two of Terry’s great tutorials about her fusing method and her edge finishing method:

Luana Rubin of eQuilter has posted some interviews done in Houston on her video website:

And here is Alex Anderson talking to Kaffe Fassett:

Garage door - Placentia 2013
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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Exhibit opening reception +Portals 11-09-13

This evening was the reception for the "Recent Acquisitions From the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection " at Visions Art Museum in San Diego.  There were about 90 people attending, not bad for a holiday weekend!  It was a lovely group of people and they all seemed to enjoy the exhibit.  One of the VAM Board Members suggested that we do a popular vote, so all the guests are handed a little ballot and a golf pencil to vote for which quilt they like best.  Several ask me which is my favorite, but I tell them I don't have a favorite - how could I?   They are all my favorite or I wouldn't have added them to the Collection!  

I was so busy talking and answering questions and explaining techniques that I didn't take a single picture, or even think about where my camera might be - in my purse!  But after my meeting tomorrow I'll go back to the museum and if there aren't many people there I will take more pictures.  

Gate with bougainvillea at Spinnaker Bay  July 2010
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Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday Browsing & Portal 11-04-13

Libby Lehman is still recovering from a massive stroke and it will be a long recovery.  In her honor Quilts, Inc. has gathered some of her quilts for a special exhibit at the Quilt Festival in   Houston.  I sent  “Silent Partners” from TCQC.

A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:  The only thing one can give an artist is leisure in which to work. To give an artist leisure is actually to take part in his creation. -Ezra Pound, poet (1885-1972)

A “Feel Good” site:

Fantastic birds of New Guinea

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Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday Browsing - Portals 09-09-13

Fans of Kaffe Fassett  and Brandon Mably will enjoy this interview done by Luana Rubin

 Kaffe’s autobiography is colorful and full of interesting tales, but a bit on the pricey side.
Check out this Bio on his website:

An old guy takes a chair on a trip around the world:

The view of the USA by a student from India:

And then there is the growth of yarn bombing:

The “fashions” of everyday people:

Artist’s  journals from those participating in the SAQA “Seasonal Palette” exhibit.  Fascinating.


Front gate in Long Beach, CA  07-03-10
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Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday Browsing and Portal 08-26-13

Shopping in the future:

Love from a baby sea lion:

Birmingham, UK QShow

“Kimono” challenge by FiberartNE, a group of fiber artists from New York and Connecticut:

 The Eisenhower Memorial Tunnel, located 60 miles West of Denver on I-70 is the highest vehicular tunnel in the world, located at an elevation of 11, 013 ft at the East Portal and 11,158 ft at the West Portal (shown).
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Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Browsing & Portal 08-19-13


Japanese ingenuity  - used plastics turned back into oil. 

The sound is all in Japanese. Just read the subtitles and watch. What a great discovery!


Portal - Corky's window on the world in Lake Havasu City, AZ. 2006
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Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Browsing 08-12-13

Great pictures of quilts in shows/festivals around the world.
I enjoy browsing in Luana Rubin’s photo albums
The Oceania section of Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) has twenty-five members lined up ready to share a "behind the scenes" glimpse into how they create. Over six weeks you'll have the chance to visit each artist listed below and see the inspiration behind the piece they made and donated to the SAQA Benefit Auction 2013.   There are 32 quilts in the Oceania Collection, but some artists are not “hopping”.

Participants make postcards related to animals and send them to Houston.  The postcards are sold at a booth at QFestival  and the funds raised help support the animal shelter.

Havel’s Scissors has a number of free tutorials and patterns.  Including some by Jamie Fingal of Southern California:

I read this when I was on the Ohio Road Trip and can’t keep it out of my mind.  What an amazing world we live in.


Portal - through a blue door.
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Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday Browsing 07-29-13

Website with great pictures of embroidery/beading work done by a costume embellisher:
An article about Quilt National in the Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch.  Click on the picture to see a few more quilts:   Mary Ann Tipple’s quilt “Easter Sunday” is part of the TCQC.
Bead artist extraordinaire:
They just don’t make ‘em like they used to:
Door quilt by Mary Leakey - San Juan Bautista, CA
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Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday Browsing 07-22-13

I have spent much more time online this past week so I have a long list of sites you might find of interest.  You may have noticed that I am combining Monday Browsing with the photos of portals I have taken over the years.  There is no connection between the two, I just pick a portal image at random. 

Take a tour of Spoonflower – courtesy of Etsy:

Oh, my goodness, this is amazing.  Of course, I couldn’t do this at 20, much less 75!     There are two routines – bars and floor.

And isn’t the revolving nature of the stars wonderful. 

Interesting exhibit with work combining fiber and metal.

 Pooping!  If you have never had a problem with this you could skip this one.  Serious, but also funny.

If you have an interest in pricing quilts to sell, you might find these posts useful:

Facebook user?  Here are two things about it that you probably do not know.

The oldest family owned business in America – although it predates the founding of the USA:      No comment on this one!

View from parking garage at Oceanside Civic Center - 2006
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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Monday Browsing 07-15-13

Not much browsing going on this past week, I've been busy with Surfside QGuild work.  Heather Lair was a prominent member of the Canadian quilting community, her death due to breast cancer was a shock.   Another loss in the quilting world, SCalifornia quilter Mary Ellen Hopkins has died.  She was so much a part of the Orange County Quilters Guild in the beginning – March 1981.

Cove Fort. Utah  06-02-12
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Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday Browsing 07-08-13

Not a lot of time for browsing this week - busy with Surfside QGuild newsletter and directory.   Blog about antique quilts
Check on the condition of Libby Lehman who is hospitalized due to a serious stroke.
Another Pinterest site with a vast range of selections including quilts.

National Bison Range, Montana  June 2012
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