Showing posts with label Spools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spools. Show all posts

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Yet more work from Sue Benner's class 04-16-16

I was not able to access anything on my computer last night.  And I was very tired after the six hour drive home from Asilomar, I was in bed within an hour of arriving home.  This morning I unloaded the car and got ready to drive to San Diego for the opening of the new exhibit at Visions Art Museum.  It was a three hour drive with average speed of 40mph - not unexpected on a Saturday afternoon.  The opening was great; a good attendance, good munchies, and spectacular quilts on display.  Tonight I am at the HIE/Old Town so that I can attend the panel discussion tomorrow.  It features four artists who have juried Visions exhibits in past years.   It will be interesting to hear about their experiences.
Here are some more pieces from Sue Benner's class:
Further progress on Barbara Peters' reflection on a lily pond. There will be pink water lily flowers among the lily pads.

Alex Tsubota's view of the hot geyser pools at Yellowstone.
Like all the pieces shown this is in progress.

Del Thomas' river walk.  The light colored path starts at the bottom and winds uphill. 
You can see the marks on the batting showing where more pieces belong.

Susan Tomanek's work showing sunset on the ocean.  

Cyndy Rymer's interpretation of cranberries being harvested. 
I have a few more photos to show, maybe tomorrow night.  
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