Showing posts with label Simply Red Basket. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Simply Red Basket. Show all posts

Friday, October 15, 2010

More Simply Red and Fall really arrives 10-15-10

A few more items for the Simply Red basket. I may have to buy a larger basket as I have more fabric and other items still to go in. Some great things. I may have to bid on this basket myself, I really covet the little red iron.

Look! Fall seems to have arrived. This is the mountain forecast - I couldn't get my camera out fast enough for the "city" and "valley" forecast, but both include rain. We had some early rain this past month but nothing to amount to anything. I hope it doesn't rain on Saturday and Sunday next week because the new Visions exhibit in Oceanside will have an opening plus some special events. I am so looking forward to the weekend, especially now that I missed PIQF.

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The Simply Red Basket 10-14-10

"November Fest" will take the place of a regular Surfside Quilters Guild meeting on November 9th. Live auction, Opportunity Baskets, refreshments, live piano music and lots of friendship. One of my contributions to the Opportunity Baskets is to put together a "Simply Red" basket full of red things - including red fabrics - donated by a number of different people.. Some of the fabrics shown are one yard cuts and some are half yard cuts - the big oval dots on the right side is a Dr. Suess fabric from Robert Kaufman Fabrics - neat! Among the other donations are spools of thread, scissors, patterns, pins, even a small red iron! There are many quilts in the live auction and I have my eye on a couple of them. Last year we did "December Fest", but found it was too close to Christmas and that it put too much pressure on everyone involved in presenting the event. We have moved it to November this year - who knows about next year?
Today I took Corky home to his parents and had lunch with his mommy, it was cool in LBeach as the marine layer had not yet moved out to the ocean. But back in Placentia it was hot and a little humid. I dosed myself with Benadryl and cough syrup and crawled into bed for about a five hour nap! Now I am ready to do a repeat - I feel better already.
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