Showing posts with label Sherrie Spangler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sherrie Spangler. Show all posts

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Sunrise - Sunset 12-30-22

Being a night owl I don't often see a sunrise.  And I obviously am not good at taking pictures at that time of day.  But the sky was brilliant one morning last week and I was up at 6am or so.  These two recent pictures are from my back slider looking east over the patio homes that are at a lower level.  

Sunsets in my life have always been plentiful.  
Sunset from front porch

Another from front porch.

This is from a few doors down, also looking east, of course!

Naturally the very best sunsets are looking out over the Pacific. 

The desert offers fantastic sunrises and sunsets like this one near Tucson.
Not my picture - maybe Sherrie Spangler?

This is my original sunset made years ago.  About 36" wide. 

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday Browsing 05-28-12

Song from the 1950s
[Oh, be still my heart!! Del]   Note: the singer on the left is Tom Hanks’ father.

Carol Ann Waugh is a Denver, CO. artist who does amazing things with the fancy stitches on her sewing machine and makes her quilts even more wonderful by adding hand stitching. She has a new self published book, “Stupendous Stitching”, which is overflowing with ideas, hints, instructions and great pictures.   The Quilt Show posted a little video with some of her work:

One of the Blogs I regularly enjoy is Sherrie Spangler’s “Sherrie Loves Color”   She does love BRIGHT color and is an excellent photographer. If you live in or are traveling to the Seattle area you should check back in her blog for some of her favorite destinations in the area. Recently she highlighted Bellingham - who knew?

Quilt National '13 is open for entries for the 2013 show with an entry deadline of September 14, 2012. The 2013 show will be accepting entries online only. The process is very simple. Just go to the Quilt National Web Page    and use the link to access the Slideroom entry programming. You will need to give them only email and contact information to access the entry forms. You can fill out the entry information and upload your images in one easy session - or you can save a partial entry and come back and edit before you submit. We are looking forward to this new technology and hope that it will ease the entry process for everyone!

I’ve always enjoyed Melody Johnson’s quilts and have one in the Collection.
She has a fabulous sense of color and most of her quilts are very bright and ‘sunny’. She is only a sometime quiltmaker these days, instead working to create an extensive and gorgeous garden, waiting on their two dear little pug dogs, and creating great hand knitted garments. But the pendulum will surely swing back to quilting one of these days. Check out her quilt galleries:

I love this image now being circulated on the Internet.

"So, what are you looking at?"
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