Showing posts with label Sewng. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sewng. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Still sorting, but also sewing 07-14-21

First I want to answer questions from Gayle M-P about e-waste.  The collection last weekend was to benefit the local school district.  The way I understand it is that private companies conduct these collections and remove the precious metals and anything else that is reusable.  They sell these to companies that can reuse the materials.  The school district, or whomever set up the collection, gets a cut of the money.  I have not researched how this all works, just taken a friend's explanation.  I had collected all those broken laptops over the past 30 years because they contained a lot of private information.  When I mentioned it to friend Dick he offered to remove the hard drives.  I asked what he did with them and he said he just put them in the trash.  Once the hard drive is taken out it has no use.  He did say he has a little box full of tiny screws now!  The paper is a different matter.  Only I can go through and shred or take to a shredder, but three days have gone by and I have yet to touch any of it.  Tomorrow, or tomorrow, or tomorrow!! I am a champion procrastinator.   Thanks for you comment, hope you continue to find my blog of interest.  

Way back in March 2020 I started a quilt project of little houses which was posted by Diane Perin Hock who lives in NCalifornia.  It is a simple pattern and her idea was we would work on these blocks while Covid kept us in isolation.   Of course she didn't know that the isolation would go on for over a year!  Some quilters got right to it and finished their little house quilts and posted the images.  I fiddled around and finally finished the blocks sometime in the summer. Then last fall I sewed the blocks together.  Finally this spring I decided to finish the quilt.  I quickly discovered that I would need to piece the back, for which I had already purchased fabric.  Today, at last, I have pieced eight more little houses to use as a strip on the back and tomorrow I plan to baste everything together and start quilting.  It will just be straight vertical lines - what we called channel quilting in the 60s and 70s, but is now known by several names, mostly matchstick, I think.  

Four of the eight houses in the back strip.   I am enchanted by the "Celebrating Women" fabric by Maria Carluccio for Windham Fabrics.   Wish I had purchased a couple more yards!  

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