Showing posts with label Scottsbluff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scottsbluff. Show all posts

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Road Trip - Indiana Grand Island to Scottsbluff, NE 07-25-14

After driving another day across Nebraska I can attest that it is mostly flat and mostly covered in corn.  It would have been a dull day except for my stops at two quilt shops.  Other than those high points it was more flat country planted in corn with an occasional soybean field.  There weren't even any animals and it wasn't until late in the day that I saw six horses, a couple dozen cows and a smallish feed lot.  There was the Great Platte River Road Monument which stretches over I-80.  It seems to be a privately run entertainment/educational business, but I'm not sure because I didn't stop.  What on earth is it doing arched over the Interstate?  Not enough room in this wide open country?


I really enjoyed this shop in Cozad, NE a tiny town just off I-80.  The owner and her helper were friendly and helpful, there were half a dozen happy customers while I was there and they have some great sale prices.   They do online sales and I plan to check them out when I get home.  You can also, at
They have a wonderful selection of fabric and also many colors of felt and patterns to go with.  Be sure to look at the display furniture - the owner has a great eye for unusual pieces that offer excellent  ways to display the products.  There is a great old pie safe that I would take in a second, although what I would do with it is beyond me at the moment.  
I did buy fabric, some that they had on sale, mostly for the philanthropic efforts of Surfside QGuild.  I choose children's prints, but there was a dearth of little boy prints, but there are a few that will do either girl or boy.  I'll keep looking.
The reason I diverted from I-80 and drove northwest to Scottsbluff was to see Chimney Rock again.  There is a story behind this, but it will have to wait for another day. 
I'm taking I-80 all the way to I-15 and going south through SLC, St George, the Virgin River Canyon, Las Vegas, Barstow and on to home.  Maybe Monday.
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