Showing posts with label Santa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Santa. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2025

We will be back soon. 01-23-25

I plan to re-start on Jan 28th.  Since my aged memory gives me pause, it may take a few tries to remember how to blog.  We are about 50 miles from any current fires, but the wind is still howling most of the time, day or night, so we are alert and watchful.  See you soon.

KoKo did visit Santa again - not a very authentic one, maybe age 17!!!

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Sunday, December 24, 2023

Christmas Eve 12-24-23

 No PetCo  Santa in 2023!!

At PetCo 2021

At  PetCo 2020

At PetCo 2019

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Monday, December 26, 2022

The last of Christmas 12-26-22

The day after Christmas and some decorations are already down, but others will stay up well into January and even a few lights stay up all year, even if they don't light them up until next Christmas.   I have no lights.  In fact, my only showing for Christmas is a wreath on the door and a potted poinsettia on the porch.  I have a variegated poinsettia in the kitchen because a friend gave it to me.  It is quite lovely and I remembered to water both pots today.  But in the neighborhood we still have...

Christmas hippopotamuses and a Christmas bull in the background, sharing space with a realistic snowman.  

I've never seen a Christmas hippo.  No idea if this is a thing in some other country.  The people have only lived here a few months and they are not very friendly.  The steps are a new installation, finished just in time for the hippos.  

This family gets more elaborate with each holiday.  The lollipops and other decorations are homemade using plastic plates, bowls, cups, swim noodles, cardboard, plywood and cellophane wrap.  They are very clever. 

I think these signs inviting Santa are also homemade. 

Santa had a bit of an accident and is sprawled among scattered packages. 

Poor guy, maybe he tippled a bit too much. 

Here is KoKo with the giant skeleton in his Christmas garb. 

 The little skeleton by his side was bareheaded, so when I was at the 99cent store I bought him a Santa hat.  It needed a safety pin to make it fit, but keeps his bald head warm.  

We are expecting rain (HURRAH) so maybe some things will be taken down tomorrow.  Although inches are predicted we may only get a drizzle.  With our 20+ years of draught we don't get too excited now.  Any drop will be welcome.

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Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas Countdown #15 12-25-22


Here it is 11am and Santa is still asleep!  He had a rough night.
Hope your weather improves and you have some sunshine.
Merry Christmas Day.

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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Still gimping 12-17-22

I haven't been able to walk the loop, but the neighbor on Brian had his skeleton up for Halloween and transitioned him to a sort of pilgrim and then to a Santa skeleton.  You can see how tall he is by comparing KoKo who is at the very bottom of the picture.   Driving here and there I have seen a number of these big guys this year, most were dismantled after Halloween. 

Several people after seeing the dessert pictures mentioned the Danish Kringle from TJoe's .  I am actually on my second almond Kringle this year.  I portion them, Baggie them, and put about half in the freezer.  I pop the frozen piece in the microwave for a few seconds and eat it warm.  DELICIOUS!   I have also been stocking up on TJoe's Cranberry/Orange relish that is sooo good, but once only available for Thanksgiving.  I complained a couple years ago that it should be available for Xmas and I suppose others did the same.  So it is now sold through December, or until they run out of supply.  I freeze it and haul it out throughout the year.  Sooo good on a number of different cuisines.  

I was off my feet quite bit yesterday dealing with a missing check.  The company did receive it, but then it just disappeared.  I have never stopped payment on a check before and found that I was required to go to the credit union to show my ID and sign a form to authorize the stop payment.   But before I found that out I spent forever on the phone being switched around to a bunch of different people and listened to the tinned music almost more than I could stand (mute helped).  The CUnion is only a mile away, but all told I spent hours dealing with this problem.  On Monday I will verify that the check was REALLY stopped before I write another one.  I do still pay most of my bills by check because I feel that I keep better track of my money.  And I won't forget how to write in long hand.  I do make grocery lists, but that is about all I write except occasional scribbled notes to myself.  

Hope to do some sewing tomorrow.  Mostly just mending, but may do some machine quilting.  Wonder if I can elevate my left leg while running the machine with my right.   Doubt it!
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Monday, December 20, 2021

Checking in with Santa 12-20-21

KoKo had a visit with Santa yesterday.   Santa wasn't available last year, but this is the same Santa that has been at PetSmart in the past.  He is such a nice guy and serves as one of their best trainers the rest of the year.  The top image is from my camera and the bottom is the one they sent via e-mail.  I think it is funny that the pompom on Santa's hat looks like it is on KoKo's head.  And KoKo looks so tiny - his 12 pounds against Santa's 200+.  

Guess I am just getting silly in my old age, but KoKo is always happy to sit in any guy's lap.  

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

It is Christmas Eve! 12-24-19

It is hard for some people to understand, but I just don't do Christmas anymore.  It is okay!  My choice, for many reasons.  But it is impossible to actually avoid the holiday, it is everywhere.  So, I do gifts for several groups I belong to and I hang a wreath on my door (mostly for the mail lady).   And I have several Christmas quilts that I love, so I usually hang one of them at the end of the hall so I see it multiple times a day.  
Usually I have a red bow, but made this lovely white/silver one this year, just to be different. 

"Santa with Frogs"  Jan Hirth - Laguna Niguel, CA
29"W x 21"L    2016
Machine pieced, appliqued, quilted.
Jan donated this to the Surfside QGuild auction and I was the lucky bidder.  It makes me smile! 

I hope Santa has made it to your house tonight and brought you comfort and joy. Love, Del & KoKo

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Sunday, December 22, 2019

KoKo visits Santa 12-22-19

We braved the crowds again this year so KoKo could visit Santa at PetSmart in Brea, CA. 

Santa is a dog trainer and a rather large guy. 

KoKo is very small in comparison.  I gave him a brush up before we went in, but had to wait in line with a bunch of scary big dogs, so KoKo got a bit mussed up.

Santa invited me in for a shot, I think he just wanted to put his arm around me!
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Monday, December 24, 2018

A bigger job every year.   

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