I plan to re-start on Jan 28th. Since my aged memory gives me pause, it may take a few tries to remember how to blog. We are about 50 miles from any current fires, but the wind is still howling most of the time, day or night, so we are alert and watchful. See you soon.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
We will be back soon. 01-23-25
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Monday, December 26, 2022
The last of Christmas 12-26-22
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Christmas Countdown #15 12-25-22
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Saturday, December 17, 2022
Still gimping 12-17-22
I haven't been able to walk the loop, but the neighbor on Brian had his skeleton up for Halloween and transitioned him to a sort of pilgrim and then to a Santa skeleton. You can see how tall he is by comparing KoKo who is at the very bottom of the picture. Driving here and there I have seen a number of these big guys this year, most were dismantled after Halloween.
Monday, December 20, 2021
Checking in with Santa 12-20-21
KoKo had a visit with Santa yesterday. Santa wasn't available last year, but this is the same Santa that has been at PetSmart in the past. He is such a nice guy and serves as one of their best trainers the rest of the year. The top image is from my camera and the bottom is the one they sent via e-mail. I think it is funny that the pompom on Santa's hat looks like it is on KoKo's head. And KoKo looks so tiny - his 12 pounds against Santa's 200+.