I always find the Santa Clara Convention Center a difficult place to take good photos - I suppose it is the lighting. Also, the camera flash reflects off the letters on the signs and obliterates some of them, so straight on images are almost worse than none at all. Some of these pictures were taken by Mary and some by me.
There seemed to be more animal quilts than usual, or maybe I just noticed them more this year. The first set of three pictures show one of several quilts Nancy Brown had in the show. As I have said before, she does exquisite handwork which I admire very much. These little doggies are after my heart - even if there isn't a poodle!
I believe Sandy Curran's work has appeared at previous PIQF shows. However, I can't check because I am not at home with my textile library. Her other cat quilts I have seen have been appliqued, so perhaps this is a new direction for her. http://sandycurran.com/default.aspx
Barbara McKie is well known for her beautiful flower quilts which combine printing on fabric and intricate quilting. This is the first of her animal quilts I have seen. It was one of the sensations of this year's PIQF show. On first seeing the quilt many people, including myself, thought it was really fur. But, no, the combination of painting and stitching that Barbara has done make the animals very realistic. A great quilt.
Mary and Joe are still on dial-up, so doing a blog and moving pictures around takes an eternity. I will be somewhere else tomorrow night and if they have high speed I will post some more PIQF quilts. If not I will have to do it after I return home later this week.