Mostly I read instead of doing anything I SHOULD do or am SUPPOSED to do. I decided at some point in the last 10 years that I wasn't going to do anything I didn't really want to do. That was a mistake and I have been fighting that attitude ever since. Covid didn't help because there was so much I couldn't do, although the first year I quilted up a storm. Then along came sciatica which limited (and still limits) what I am physically able to do. What I can do is read and so it goes! I do enjoy actual paper books, even hard covers, but occasionally read with Kindle on my cell phone. Lots of resources - books from friends, books from little street libraries, books from Amazon - and I tend to read different categories: anything but Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Romance, Manga or Anime. There is always a book to read for the Book Group (of 40+ years) and now I have been invited to another group of long standing - the Lit Group (for literary). They have lost members and need to find some new readers. I went to their meeting last Friday and will give it a try. I fear that they are too "literary" for me. And the structure of their meetings is the opposite of my regular group. The Lit Group has the hostess prepare a bio of the author and present a review of the book at the meeting. In the Book Group we all read the book beforehand and then discuss it at the meeting. Less formal, I think. For March the selection for the Lit Group is "Lessons in Chemistry" by Bonnie Garmus. The Book Group is reading "The Personal Librarian" by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Reading 02-22-23
Friday, September 10, 2021
Weather 09-10-21
The annual monsoon moisture that comes up from Mexico has lingered this year. Last tnight about 11:30pm it struck with furious lightning, thunder, and RAIN! The rain was quite heavy at times, but I'm sure we had under an inch. Poor KoKo was terrified, so I kept him on my lap. Just stroking and talking and hugging and trying to keep him somewhat calm. Poor guy. This morning when we walked all the grass clippings and dead flowers and everything was washed into the gutter and the air was so fresh. But the 93F temp dried everything out by the end of the day.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Drive to San Diego 06-26-20
Friday, April 6, 2018
Ocean Views 04-05-18
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Out for lunch today 07-19-16
I recommend this place - I'll go back!
Friday, January 1, 2016
New Year's Day - Sunset 01-01-16
Friday, April 10, 2015
Down and back to San Diego on Wednesday 04-10-15
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Using selvedges 11-20-14
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Lovely San Clemente 05-18-10
This house sits where one street Ts into another and it is always interesting. The Thumbergia alta, or Black-eyed Susan vine, has bright yellow flowers with chocolate brown throats. I didn't realize it grew so vigorously - if they don't trim it soon it will completely cover the house like Kudzu! But it is colorful and matches the truck.
They already must have a hard time getting into the front door!
Around the corner and a little further up the hill this walking path starts out with a severe warning - and walkers need to take it to heart. I don't suppose mountain lions would be this close to the houses, but it is always possible. I have had coyotes on my patio and I live a lot deeper in civilization than this.