Saturday, March 1, 2025
Food - Again! 03-01-25
Friday, May 31, 2024
Friday Food 05-31-24
Somehow spring time is always salad time for me. Although I do eat salads all year, they seem more appealing as the weather warms up and the landscape is green and also colorful with flowers. Here are some memorable lunch salads.
Here is a made-at-home salad. Celery, avocado, oranges, banana, dried cranberries, chopped toasted pecans, lactose free cottage cheese. Not yet added, a drizzle of Brianna's Poppy seed dressing.
Friday, September 8, 2023
Friday Food 09-08-23
I love salads, but am always a little leery when eating out because of my allergy to sulfites. They are frequently used to keep the lettuce and other veggies looking fresh. Salad bars are the very worst so I avoid them. But better restaurants usually don't use sulfites on their food. If in doubt I ask, but don't always receive a firm answer. It is worse outside of California due to the different regulations in different states. I don't make elaborate salads at home - all that chopping, ick. Our temps are on the rise this week so I am thinking salads - maybe Fitness Grill again!
A beet salad at Solare Ristorante in Liberty Station, San Diego.