I don't know how many people live in areas where missile launches can be seen. Here in SCalifornia we are treated to views of launches from Vandenberg Air Force base up the coast near Lompoc, CA. This one was Thursday, Sep 14th, at about 7:15pm, just as the sun set. KoKo and I were on our evening walk so we had a good view. I have seen a number of launches over the years, the first was sometime in the late 1970s and, like many first timers I couldn't figure out what was happening. It is like a crack in the sky. This is the first time I have seen the missile continuing after it has left the contrail behind.
Showing posts with label Night Sky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Night Sky. Show all posts
Monday, September 18, 2023
Strange Sky 09-18-23
See it at the top left - it was visible for an amazing amount of time.
Up and up with a sort of cone shaped "mist" following it.
Meanwhile the contrail lingers and twists. I suppose the wind moves it.
It is so high in the air that the sun has completely disappeared around the planet.
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Thursday, March 2, 2023
Planets 03-02-23
Widely seen in the night sky, Venus and Jupiter appear to be aligned so closely that some viewers are concerned!! The planets are not at all close to each other, but just positioned so they seem that way. In reading posts on Next Door and Facebook I wonder if people realize they can check sites online that explain the view. Some are worried about Chinese balloons, some about extra terrestrials, some about collisions in the sky. I don't know much about planets and stars, but I know enough to find information online.
I propped the cell phone on a lamp post to try to cut down on the wiggle. This isn't bad, but a tripod would have been better.
Anyway, it seems the storms have departed, for now, and the puddles are starting to be absorbed. Guess I will have another burst of weeds in my yard. Still looking for a gardener to mow and blow.
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Saturday, March 28, 2020
I'm sturggling like almost everyone is. 03-28-20
One saving grace for me is taking KoKo for his walks twice a day. We go in the morning sometime between 7 and 9 and in the evening at 7pm. These evenings while we are out, the sun goes down and sometimes there is a glowing sunset. But then the sky darkens and there is the moon and Venus in the western sky.
I can't hold the camera perfectly still and leaned it against a car to take this shot. But it still distorts the glowing planets.
Tomorrow we will walk again and I will try to discipline myself to actually accomplish something. The Black Beast looms and I must get myself in a different mood. I try to not read anything about the Orange One or much about the Virus. And I have sought out some funny videos. Wish I had a solution for myself. And everyone else who is in trouble over this crisis. I'll keep working on it.
Here is some helpful information on the neighborhood sidewalk.
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Monday, March 9, 2020
New "Worm" Moon 03-09-20
The Worm moon is the last full moon before the winter equinox, so called because the ground is thawing and the worms are starting to dig around in the soil. There are a number of different nicknames for this moon, including the Crust Moon because the snow becomes crusty from daytime thawing and night time freezing, the Sap Moon because it is time to tap maple trees for sap, the Lenten Moon because it appears right around the Christian season of Lent, and the Crow Moon in connection with Native American folklore. It is a supermoon which appears to be larger and brighter than just an every night old moon!
Hiding in the clouds. 7:30pm PDT
This was taken with the "night" setting on my cell phone camera. It made an interesting shape out of the round moon. The temperature at 7:30pm tonight was 70F. The predicted rain did not fall, maybe tomorrow.
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Saturday, March 7, 2020
Oh, Venus, Goddess of Love that you are..... 03-07-20
Does that ring some bells for you? It was a popular record when I was in high school and makes me think of a guy I went to a prom with. Where is he now? Anyway, this time of year when I walk out my front door there is the planet Venus brightly shining in the west. And the music turns on in my head. How can I remember the lyrics after more than 60 years when so much else has slipped out of my memory?
Clouds, but no rain. Supposed to come toward the end of the new week.
Did you set your clocks forward?
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Saturday, December 1, 2018
Looking Back, again 12-01-18
When I was taking care of Corky, the Poodle Prince, I enjoyed the views of Alamitos Bay and Lake Havasu. I miss them now. But thanks to computers, digital cameras, and Picasa, I am still able to revisit them when I want to look back.
Alamitos Bay on December 5, 2003. Notice that a couple houses on the right have their Christmas lights up.
Not sure what that planet is high in the sky, might be Mars.
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Monday, August 20, 2018
Sky watching 08-20-18
NOTE: Gale, one of my blog readers, looked the "gizmo" up on the Bernina site and advised me what it is. See: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Bernina-Seam-Guide-030-726-PA12-For-Slide-On-Extension-Table-/223085390466
I have been an on again/off again sky watcher most of my life. But my memory is not as good as it once was and I have forgotten the names and locations of the planets and stars. Right now there is a lovely array of planets in the southern sky, so I had to Google a bit to find the names I was missing. Venus is easy because it is the brightest speck in the night sky, except for the moon, of course. And Mars wears the nice red hue. However Saturn and Jupiter were missing from my mental sky map. I found this image at:
I have been an on again/off again sky watcher most of my life. But my memory is not as good as it once was and I have forgotten the names and locations of the planets and stars. Right now there is a lovely array of planets in the southern sky, so I had to Google a bit to find the names I was missing. Venus is easy because it is the brightest speck in the night sky, except for the moon, of course. And Mars wears the nice red hue. However Saturn and Jupiter were missing from my mental sky map. I found this image at:
Due to the ambient light of this large urban area I cannot spot anything but planets, but I can see the twinkling stars out of the corner of my eye. However, the evenings are getting cooler and tonight KoKo and I went for our walk in the daylight at 7pm and 77F. It was lovely, except there were no stars or planets out yet. I know it will be hot again in a few days and we will be walking by star/planet light. And, of course, street lights.
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