Every year for the last decade our neighborhood has held a "parade" on the 4th. And each year there are more children, more participants. KoKo and I sit on a folding chair in the driveway and hoot and holler as the parade goes by. Well, KoKo doesn't hoot or holler, he usually goes to sleep in my lap - not into parades.
Usually the leader is Mr. Rohr in his little Jeep, fessooned with balloons and streamers. But this year he and wife are on vacation so the fire truck moved up to first place. I don't know how we rate a fire truck AND a Placentia PD car, don't know of any neighbors who are either firemen or policemen. (Or women!)
There seemed to be fewer decorations on the bikes, scooters, skate boards this year. Economics or perhaps just laziness! I know that I will be picking up debris for several days.
The adult who usually shows up in a weird costume was not walking this year. Maybe he is also on vacation. There were plenty of kids and quite a few parents walking, waving, and yelling Happy 4th of July. Didn't notice any MAGA hats this year, even though this is a heavily Conservative area.
At the very end were this couple with their poodle mix dog. He always gives us a tentative bark when we walk by his house, but he has learned my voice so i tell him what a good dog he is and he stops barking. LOTS of dogs and children in our neighborhood. These pictures show what i see out my front windows. I do hate those motor homes reflecting the hot sun back to me. The law says we cannot park them where they are seen from the street, but these have been parked in the driveways for decades. It is just a small irritation, not worth losing good neighbors over something so small. But it still bugs me!!
I am still coughing until sometimes I think I will choke! Still doing the "croup tent" which helps for a short time and I'm trying to not talk because that will set me off. I have an appointment with my new primary in the morning, maybe she has an answer. To me it is odd that it is so hard to be sick now. All the years I had bronchitis every winter I knew what to do, but wearing a mask seems to have protected me from sickness these past three years and i have forgotten how to be sick!
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