Showing posts with label November Fest '14. Show all posts
Showing posts with label November Fest '14. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Surfside Quilters Guild November Fest 11-11-14

Today was the big fund raiser for Surfside Quilters Guild in San Clemente, CA.  This event is held every other year, so we need to make enough to tide us over for two years.  Our event included a live auction for some very nice quilts, seventy-one raffle baskets (some of which required two ladies to even lift them) and a pleasant lunch of chicken salad, rolls, gingerbread.  We had 216 attendees. 
It was a fun day. 

The tables were groaning with 71 raffle baskets.

The seats were full of 116 members and guests. 

The auction quilts were hung around the room and then held up when the bidding started.  On the far left is a great 1900-1925 red cross quilt and second from right is a Nosegay quilt with blocks made in the 1930s and hand quilted by some excellent quilters this past year.  I point these out because they are the two for which I had the winning bids.  

My contribution to the event was a laundry basket full of threads collected from various friends and with donations by several thread companies.  The estimated value of $722 is probably a little high because some of the spools have been partially used.  But it is enough thread to last an active quilt maker at least two years! 

 Here is the basket, all be-ribboned and running over.  

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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

More November Fest Auction Quilts 10-28-14

Here are a few more quilts that will be on the live auction at Surfside Quilters Guild November Fest on November 11th in San Clemente, CA.  You can see all the auction quilts at:
                  Nov Fest Auction Quilts 09-09-14 
and the raffle baskets atOpportunity Baskets 2014

Made and donated by Seams Rite friendship group.

 Mary Freedman and Vickie Janis collaborated on this zebra quilt, starting with the four donated pieced blocks.
61"W x 61"L

"School Days"   Counted cross stitch by Kay Shoaff Dickman; assembled, quilted & donated by Victoria Crayne. 
 37"W x 15"L

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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Another newsletter completed 10-07-14

My job as newsletter editor for the Surfside Quilt Guild rolls around once a month.  It takes me longer to do it now, because my eyes bother me when I work too long.  Which means I have to start earlier in the month.  I didn't do that for the October newsletter and posted it very late.  I'll try to do better in November.  Especially because it is November Fest time and we need people to come to our meeting and enjoy brunch, raffle baskets and a live auction.
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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Surfside Quilters Guild November Fest 10-04-14

Surfside Quilters Guild in San Clemente, CA.,  is gearing up for the biennial November Fest at our November 11th meeting.  It is our major fundraiser for two years worth of excellent speakers, and creative projects and activities.  At this time there are 25 items on the Live Auction, which should  generate some spirited bidding on the day.   I'm showing you just two of the auction quilts.
Applique Bouquet Quilt  36”W x 36”L  Made and donated by A-Team Friendship Group
Inspired by Freddy Moran’s colorful designs and a donation of blocks by Nancy Gasparotti , the A-Team created this beautiful wall hanging.  A-Team members include Margaret Arnold, Joann Bishop, Nancy Bloyer, Vickie Janis, Susie Russell, Monica Shafer, Karen Wendel and Carol Whiteside.  Machine quilted by Vickie Janis.

There will also be raffle baskets and brunch will be served.  Join us for a fun few hours.
San Clemente Presbyterian Church, 119 N. Ave De La Estrella, San Clemente, CA
Doors open at 9:30am.  Event ends at 1pm.
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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Monday Browsing 09-22-14

Here is a site for knitters – lots  of free patterns, gorgeous yarns:
I have not done much browsing, being busy with other things.  One of which is the album of the quilts that will be offered at a live auction at the Surfside Quilters Guild November Fest on November 11th.  There may be a few more quilts added in the next few weeks, so check back later.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Missing you 09-16-14

I miss my friends when I go on a Road Trip and I miss them when they go on vacation.  Lots of September trips this year for everyone but me!  Liz has been in the eastern Sierra for a month and returned on Saturday, Carol and Dick are in Great Britain, Terry is in Spain, Karen is in New York, etc.   It is magical to find a post from "abroad" or receive a phone call
from some place in the vast USA.   Our electronic world both connects us and disconnects us. I hope everyone is having a good experience and comes home safe and happy.

I'm starting a new edition of the Surfside QGuild newsletter - October already.  I will include information about the upcoming November Fest where we offer a quilt auction (both new and vintage quilts), raffle baskets, lots of visiting and LUNCH!  It is our big fund raiser of the year and you can came and enjoy the festivities.  It will be on Tuesday, November 11th at 10am.  Our meeting place is San Clemente Presbyterian Church which is just off the I-5 between La Palizada and Avenida Presidio.   Hope you will consider joining us. 

 This is a new quilt made just for our live auction.

This is one of the vintage quilts.  It is in excellent condition.
Probably 1920 - 1940.
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