Today was the big fund raiser for Surfside Quilters Guild in San Clemente, CA. This event is held every other year, so we need to make enough to tide us over for two years. Our event included a live auction for some very nice quilts, seventy-one raffle baskets (some of which required two ladies to even lift them) and a pleasant lunch of chicken salad, rolls, gingerbread. We had 216 attendees.
It was a fun day.
The tables were groaning with 71 raffle baskets.
The seats were full of 116 members and guests.
The auction quilts were hung around the room and then held up when the bidding started. On the far left is a great 1900-1925 red cross quilt and second from right is a Nosegay quilt with blocks made in the 1930s and hand quilted by some excellent quilters this past year. I point these out because they are the two for which I had the winning bids.
My contribution to the event was a laundry basket full of threads collected from various friends and with donations by several thread companies. The estimated value of $722 is probably a little high because some of the spools have been partially used. But it is enough thread to last an active quilt maker at least two years!
Here is the basket, all be-ribboned and running over.
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