Showing posts with label November Fest '10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label November Fest '10. Show all posts

Thursday, November 11, 2010

November Fest continued 11-10-10

The quilters in attendance at November Fest were very generous and bought lots of basket raffle tickets - $4236 worth. Hurrah and Thank You to each and every one. Many of them wore their tickets around their necks like leis. And some wore them along with their lei. Unfortunately, I forgot my lei AND my nametag!

Judy Dunlap was one of the ticket sellers. I loved the fact there were different colored tickets.

Leslye Stringfellow carried her tickets in her hand.

This mysterious board member wore hers along with her lei - she was also a ticket seller, hence the prices on her lapel.

Cindy Croucher spread hers on the table so she could find the matching ticket when she won this big basket. Susie Russell was one of the basket deliverers.

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Surfside QG November Fest 2010 11-09-10

Surfside Quilters Guild is about 1-1/2 years old and still growing and learning. Today we held our second major fundraising event - November Fest. (I talked about it on Sunday when I posted Nancy Ota's "Sea Leaves"). It was a fun day, but I am still not "normal" and I was really exhausted by the time the meeting was over. I drove home and took a looong nap.

I don't know who made this small banner, I didn't even notice it until we were cleaning up.

I went into the kitchen to take pictures of the Hospitality ladies - they are always hidden in there and I don't get them in pictures very often - and one of them insisted on taking my picture, because I am never in the meeting pictures! I don't know what to make of the look on my face - someone once told me to wipe the smirk off! I don't mean to be smirking.

The live auction quilts were arrayed around the room on quilt hanging stands and the very special gifts of framed Ellen Heck fabric collages and ceramic tiles made from her designs were on stage on two small tables. In the middle of the picture is the 1938 sewing cabinet donated by one of the members - it was a popular item and sold for more than I expected. Hanging in this picture is "Field of Flowers" (77" x 91") donated by the Designing Women friendship group which I brought home with me. I've used the same quilt on my bed for about twenty years and decided I need I new one - I never seem to get around to finishing what I have started, much less construct a new bed quilt. I like it a lot and I'm sure I will have sweet dreams of the ladies I know in the friendship group. This evening my furnace came on for the first time since last winter, so this quilt will keep me warm tonight.

Lyn Mann, our auctioneer, does a lot of quilt guild auctions around SCalifornia, she is good at getting people to keep bidding. To Lyn's right is Nancy Ota, guild founder/November Fest Chair,
and Cindy Croucher, who was keeping track of what was sold. This quilt also came home with me. "French Essence" 56" x 72" was donated by A Few Loose Threads friendship group.
Yellow/Blue has long been one of my top color combos and this quilt just appealed to me - it will be part of my personal collection rather than the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection.

Lunch was served to every one's enjoyment. Quiche, salad, nut bread and on a long, heavily ladened row of tables desserts of every kind.
The 67 raffle baskets seemed to be well appreciated. Members wore long strands of tickets around their necks - yellow, green and red. Some won multiple baskets and some (including me) won none. I thought this one was wonderful, but I don't know what I would do with it if I had won it, so I didn't put any tickets in this pot.

But isn't it great?

Past time for me to get in bed - tomorrow is another full day.

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