The Southern California Council of Quilt Guilds meets four times a year with a different theme for each of the meetings. Today Linda Smith (Flying Geese Quilt Guild - Editor)
Patty Seebold (Beach Cities Quilters Guild - Editor) and I (Surfside Quilters Guild - Past Editor) did a presentation on many different aspects of creating guild newsletters. The attendance was not announced, but I estimated there were about sixty people attending, some of those were there to provide the refreshments (which were fabulous) and some came to show and sell tickets on their guild's wonderful raffle quilts.
Linda Smith is a whiz at learning the computer and does a great newsletter for Flying Geese QGuild. She put together a power point program for our presentation based on the notes and photos that we all provided.
Patty Seebold does the newsletter for Beach Cities Quilters Guild using modern graphics and all of her experience teaching computer skills at a local college. At the same time we were meeting to prepare the program she has been helping plan a grandgirl's wedding and remodeling a house she and her spouse have recently move into.
Both of these ladies are actually Superwomen disguised as quilters!
"Nature's Friends" is from Friendship Square Quilters Guild, Whittier, CA., is hand appliqued and hand quilted. Friendship Square does a raffle quilt every two years - the workwomanship is so fabulous it takes two years to complete such and outstanding quilt. Bonnie Smith and Barbara Silva were attending.
A striding bright green frog must not like berries as he seems to have passed them up.
Bluebirds usually nest in tree hollows or nesting boxes, but they have used a little artistic license to put this one in a vine wreath so we can see his beautiful blue feathers.
"Bountiful Baskets" raffle quilt from North Cities Quilters Guild in Placentia, CA., is hand embroidered and machine quilted. It was attended by guild President Becky Sproal.
Peggy Carlsen crocheting in the back of the room. Since my part of the presentation was about photography I am posting this image as an example of a candid shot - good color, background not too distracting, lovely zinnias and roses for a table centerpiece and she is an "active" subject with her busy hands.