I have been blogging since 08-18-07. Seems like a long time. Occasionally I look at the statistics that blogger keeps on my blog, but I have never understood them. Every now and then there will be a spike of astonishing proportions. Such as 831 page views in one hour! Not likely. And currently the greatest audience is in Germany! Not likely. The most visited page is the one about Ruth B. McDowell's quilt "A Rash of Flamingoes" on 12-23-13. That is possible, it is a fabulous piece of art. My blog doesn't have a wide audience or a frequent one, usually only about 100 people check in each day, and I appreciate every one of them. Comments are rare, but very appreciated, sometimes one wonders if there is anyone out there listening.
I read several blogs regularly and others that I catch up on when I have some extra time.
Kay Sorenson quiltspluscolor.blogspot.com is a super blogger who keeps up with the statistics and enjoys hundreds of visits each day. She leads a very interesting and varied life in Wisconsin and Florida. Kay makes spectacular quilts and is a very nice lady. When I was driving cross country once I took a detour up to Wisconsin, because it was one of only two states I had not visited (Alaska is still missing). I called her and she took me out to dinner and showed me her studio and some of her great quilts. It is a precious memory.
Terry Grant http://andsewitgoes.blogspot.com/ She has been busy with life and hasn't blogged for a few months, but I know she is okay, just busy. I had the chance to see her when I drove through Portland, OR, in May on my trip to Washington.
Melody Johnson fibermania.blogspot.com leads an amazing life with more projects than I could handle in a decade. She is always interesting.
Martha Ginn http://marthaginn.blogspot.com/ Is a very productive quiltmaker and shares her talent and ideas on her blog. She started blogging the same month/year that I did.
The interest in blogging has diminished, but there are still millions out there that cover, I'm sure, every topic under the sun. So many blogs, so little time!
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