Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Moonglow and Quilt Guild meeting 07-13-22
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Still Improving! 10-09-21
It was a busy day and I hardly needed my cane! Seems like the injection is working - hope it will last for months and months. My leg/hip/spine still hurt, but not as bad and I can step up on a curb without that stabbing pain.
We both had our hair cut, the car washed, money from bank, See's for gifts, and, of course, our two walks. I finished the sleeve on the "Welcome Home" quilt that is going to PIQF, but still have the label to sew on. Stupid arthritis in my hands keeps me from hand stitching for more than about half an hour, so things go slowly.
I am struggling with remembering what to take when I travel! The pandemic seems to have erased my mind in places. I know I have a list in my laptop somewhere, but wonder if it would still apply since I made it at least a decade ago. I did get out the daily pill bottles I fill when I travel and have them set out to fill tomorrow. Since the TIA I now take so many pills that I need an AM and a PM bottle for every day. How did this happen to me? I also need to take sewing to do during the days I am up in the Santa Clara area. And my friend Liz reminded me today that I need warmer clothing for that area since a storm is coming that will close the passes over the Sierra due to snow! I am not going over, but there may be cold rain from the coast to the mountains. I do have KoKo's things organized. I can't imagine what it would be like to pack for a family! Just for KoKo there is food, treats, bed, Froggy, quilt, poop bags, carrier, paperwork, brush/comb, and... I hope that is everything.
I tried again to capture that "parchment curl of California gold...." and Venus, but even bracing the camera against a tree couldn't prevent the camera jiggle.
Thursday, September 9, 2021
Moon and Stars (planets, actually) 09-09-21
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Sewing - Full Moon 06-23-21
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Big Moon and another mask 05-06-20
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Heatwave 04-25-20
In today's mail I had a lovely package from Carol Esch of New Jersey who I met in an Empty Spools class at Asilomar several years ago. She had come across some Ruth B. McDowell postcards and sent them to me because she knows that I collect Ruth quilts. AND she included one of the masks she has been making. The quarter inch elastic goes through the channels on either side and fits behind the neck and over the head, so it fits very snugly against the face. it is sort like a halter top only on the face! Much better than what I have made with ties on all four corners. I am looking up because I think it shows the fit better to have my saggy chin stretched up!!
Saturday, March 28, 2020
I'm sturggling like almost everyone is. 03-28-20
Monday, March 9, 2020
New "Worm" Moon 03-09-20
Friday, January 10, 2020
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The last full moon of the decade 12-13-19
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
On the Road Again 02-03-15
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Moon in the morning 01-18-14
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Monday, March 29, 2010
A Slice of Fullerton 03-29-10
Too bad it isn't a video showing the wind shaken fronds. It was a lovely evening.
Monday, January 12, 2009
The biggest moon 01-12-09
The Chinaberry trees are in full 'berry' right now. This one is in a backyard that belongs to someone I don't know, so no closeups.