Showing posts with label M.C. Bunte. Show all posts
Showing posts with label M.C. Bunte. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Quilt Festival - Long Beach '12 07-31-12

Here is another wonderful pieced quilt from Ruth Powers.


What a fabulous sky - very midwestern.  
Fabulous precise piecing - in the feet and face especially.
And just look at these realistic feathers. 
I imagine this refers to the game of cricket, rather unknown in the USA.
I enjoyed seeing this quilt from the VAM table.  It is not very photogenic, but it shows beautifully.
Nicely balanced "slice and dice" style.  About 18" x 24".
A beautiful quilt (of course, it has blue and yellow!) with interesting techniques.  In the sky the artist has quilted two large open hands - click on the picture and maybe you can see them.

Nice little grass stalks along the edge of the fields and interesting zigzag machine applique on the trees.  
Apparently there is still a movement to make three dimensional quilts.
This is a very nice exhibit, but they ask viewers not to take pictures.  My BAD!   There is a book available - see the Dinner at Eight Blog
Jane just gets better and better! 

Just look at this dear little bunny.
And so does Susan!
This is unlike anything I have seen of Paula's work - very nice. The spot on the bottom is where I removed the stand for the placard - this doesn't look nice, but better than the placard.
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