Showing posts with label Jean Ray Laury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jean Ray Laury. Show all posts

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Final Quilts from Empty Spools 04-25-24

 This is the last of the quilts on view at Empty Spools last week.  

On the bulletin boards behind my table I changed the quilts several times.
On the left is "Is This Me?"  Bodil Gardner - Denmark  2020
Machine and hand applique.  Machine quilted.
On the right is one of my quilts, I always take one or two just to prove I do make quilts!  "Palms" Del Thomas - CA  2023 Fused, machine  quilting. 

On another day I hung  these two quilts.
"Lowanda Does Hollywood"  Jean Ray Laury - CA  2000
Machine Pieced, silk screened, foiling, hand colored, and lots more techniques.
  Someone always asks if I was the model!  No, she did this before we met.  

"Rooster at Freddy's"  Ruth B. McDowell - Minnesota   2009
Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted
Ruth visited Freddy Moran's home in CA and based this design on a 2-1/2 foot rooster on the coffee table.  Only the real thing was all white, unusual for Freddy.

A glorious tribute to Asilomar, Empty Spools, and Pacific Grove. 
"Asilomar/Pacific Grove"  Mary Lou Weidman - CA  2013
Machine pieced, Machine quilted, hand and machine applique, hand embroidery.
All the places quilters know and love when they attend Empty Spools. 

"Cataclysm"  Judith Content  2009
Hand dyed (arashi shibori) silk fabric, Machine pieced and quilted. 
When Judith was working on this quilt her husband was reading "Krakatoa" about the Pacific island that erupted in 1883 and made the loudest noise ever heard at that time and also affected the weather around the world for several years. Mr. Content kept reading sections of the book outloud to her and she created this image.  The silk gives a shimmering effect that is lovely. 

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Sunday, July 31, 2022

Quilt from Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection - Jean Ray Laury 07-31-22

I have posted this quilt several times in the past and it always thrills me to have it hanging on my wall.  The late Jean Ray Laury was a very special person in the quilting world .  She moved us away from the traditional quilts and innovated many techniques that are still used today.  Many quiltmakers and art quilters have expanded on her work, but her style will always remain distinctively hers.

"Lowanda Does Hollywood" Jean Ray Laury 2001 30.5W x 33.5L

There is a striking resemblance between Lowanda and myself, but Jean Ray did not use me as a model, even though we have known each other for years. In this quilt Jean has used many of the techniques she has taught over the years -- silk screen printing, Thermofax printing, hand drawing, hand painting, foiling, piecing and machine quilting.

A very special quilt for me, made by an artist I have always respected.

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Sunday, August 16, 2020

Posting wihtout pictures 08-16-20

It suddenly occurred to me that it is possible to post without pictures!!  DUH!  But I am so keyed to including images that I hardly know what to say without them.  

It has been very hot here and many other places.  Placentia was 96F today, but unfortunately it doesn't cool off a lot at night.  Tonight is predicted to be 72F and for SCalifornia it is quite humid.  

Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) members have been posting quilts alphabetically, starting with A on August 3rd.  And now we are up to L today.  I posted Jean Ray Laury's 2001 quilt "Lowanda Does Hollywood"  30.5"W X 33.5"L

   When I put the picture here it shows on my copy, but when     post it, the picture disappears.  But when I pull up my blog     again, there is the picture.  I'm so confused!!  

Enjoy.   Love, Del and KoKo

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