It seems that every art quilter turns eventually to depicting people or animals. Here are a few people quilts that were on display at PIQF 2010. By-the-way, anytime there is a country flag on a sign it indicates that the quilt represents that country in the World Quilt Competition.
Pamela Allen is one of my favorite quiltmakers and there are several of her quilts in the TCQG. I also found her class at Asilomar very instructive and fun - I accomplished a lot that week. Always good to have a teacher who gets you going and shares all of her methods and secrets.
I'm not sure that the Hilton would actually allow these ladies in their lounge. Spools into boobies is one of Pamela's extra touches.
I can't figure out what this lady's hair is made of. It looks like a row of little mice - with feet!