Liz Williams went with me today to San Diego to the Visions Art Museum (previously named Visions Art Quilt Gallery), to see the exhibit "The Art of the Stitch" which closes tomorrow. There are some very nice quilts in the exhibit and several additional pieces on display in different areas. Photographs are not allowed in the gallery.
A new exhibit will open February 4th (through April 17th) with quilts by Dominie Nash and Jeanne Lyons Butler.
We had lunch diagonally across the intersection at "Con Pane" which was excellent. And so close to the Visions Quilt Museum - the pink building at center back with the arched door.
It was quite warm for San Diego in January so we sat outside under the luscious red umbrellas. Liz is here in the front left. At a table not in this picture a woman and husband were eating and their Toyota was parked about ten cars down the block. The planes from San Diego airport go directly over the restaurant with a great thunderous noise and, every now and then, one would have just the right tone to set off the Toyota's alarm. At first the husband would walk out on the sidewalk, advancing and clicking the remote until the Toyota shut up. But after a while he would just wait it out - as would we all. It was like a bit from a romantic movie.
After lunch we drove back north to the Oceanside Museum of Art for a special gallery walk through "Quilt Visions 2010: No Boundaries "with Charlotte Bird, President of the Visions Art Museum in San Diego. Charlotte has headed a number of the International Visions exhibits held at Oceanside Museum of Art. Because she knows many of the artists and the entire 25 year history of Quilt Visions she has many insights to share, so it was an interesting afternoon. There was a great crowd there, though we sometimes couldn't see the quilt Charlotte was standing next to, her voice could be heard throughout the gallery. I had my catalog and could look at the picture of the quilt while I listened.
Usually no pictures are allowed in the galleries, but there were several people taking pictures and I thought a special exception was being made for this event. Wrong! I took these two images and someone told me no pictures were permitted. Charlotte Bird is on the left and Jane LaFazio (San Diego, CA) on the right speaking about her quilt "Zen Eucalyptus" (Hand-made felt, dyed cotton batting, paint, embroidery threads. Hand sewn, needle felted, hand dyed.)
Passing the mike back to Jane on the right and from Charlotte on the left. Several artists were there and spoke about their quilts which are in the exhibit.
This exhibit continues through March 13th - see it if you possibly can. It does not travel.