From Tactile Architecture - 2010
Another of the regular exhibits that originate at the Houston show and travel to the other venues.
Another of the regular exhibits that originate at the Houston show and travel to the other venues.
I always enjoy Kristin's quilts - houses with roots appeal to me.
Lots of hand stitching that can only be seen in closeup.
How interesting to see this quilt from Carol Ann Waugh since I just purchased one of her quilts while I was in Denver. This is so very different than the work she is currently doing. I like this quilt, especially the great blue wall, but I'm not sure the suburbs need urban living. At least in SCalifornia.
Do they allow people to lay on the floor and take pictures? I tried it at the Monterey Aquarium under the sardine dome and they told me to get up and go away!
A great image - the distortion makes it even more interesting.
Great ribbon done in the style of Libby Lehman.
Another wonderful "rooted" house from Kristin. The severe contrast between the light and dark makes it difficult to take a good photograph.
Again, lots of hand stitching and embellishment.
Below is the way the quilt was shown at the Festival.
Jane Hamilton, Kristin La Flamme, Sandra Lauterbach
Another pieced wonder from Ruth Powers. Yes, it is pieced, not appliqued. 39.5"W x 46"L
A whole cloth quilt with a lot of texture. Original color combination.
I'm always intrigued by water towers when I am on a road trip. Some of them are decorated with designs that reflect something about the town - milk bottles, pumpkins, tomatoes, etc. I have never seen any towers like these, but I think they are glorious. Actually, Placentia has a water tower, I'll have to take a picture sometime.